Monthly Archives: May 2012

New York Times Caught With Their Knickers Down

Joe from Pickin’ Cherries posted these pictures of Waikiki Beach in 1930 and now. The beach looks bigger now than it did 80 years ago.

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Hansen Past the Tipping Point

“Animals are on the run. Plants are migrating too.” I wrote those words in 2006 to draw attention to the fact that climate change was already under way. People do not notice climate change because it is masked by day-to-day … Continue reading

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Pikas Adapting Rapidly To Their New Habitat

Having been driven out of the Rocky Mountains by global warming, relocated Pikas are rapidly adapting to their new environs in Scotland. Sir Alex Ferguson is rumoured to be starting a Pika plantation north of Glasgow.

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Do Scottish Pikas Wear Kilts?

Skiing and Snowboarding at Nevis Range Fort William, Scotland :: ski and snowboard resort

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Still Waiting To Hear Fromm Romm/Dessler

Last summer, Joe Romm and Andrew Dessler declared that Texas was in a permanent man-made drought, and that Rick Perry was pure evil for saying that the rains would return. Intellicast – Weekly Precipitation in United States Curious that they haven’t apologized for their … Continue reading

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Where Is The Obama Lynch Mob?

Obama’s first act as the great unifying President, was to organize a lynch mob to go after AIG employees who received government funded bonuses – but he forgot to do that with Solyndra. Bankruptcy judge approves Solyndra bonuses A Delaware bankruptcy … Continue reading

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Green Job In Albuquerque

Fight Climate Change Deniers – Directors Needed Date: 2012-04-17, 11:12AM MDT Protect the Environment from Well Funded Polluters Climate change deniers have powerful financial backers, overriding the lack of scientific proof. The Koch brothers billionaires have sunk nearly 25 million … Continue reading

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Extremely Normal Arctic Ice Conditions Continue

Extreme man-made global warming continues in the Arctic, with another day of extremely normal Arctic ice extent. Climate scientists have determined this year that mild weather in Chicago and normal conditions in the Arctic are due to the extreme influence of man-made … Continue reading

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NOAA Bozeman, Montana : average(11,-5) = 4

All Products by Site – NOAA’s National Weather Service Same mistake – normal rounded down, observed rounded up. I haven’t seen any even/odd pairs which contradict this rule.

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Climate Science – Make A Faulty Assumption And Then Toss Evidence Which Doesn’t Fit

Ancient Climate Change: When Palm Trees Gave Way To Spruce Trees ScienceDaily (June 17, 2009) — For climatologists, part of the challenge in predicting the future is figuring out exactly what happened during previous periods of global climate change. One … Continue reading

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