Monthly Archives: May 2012

First Foursome Of The Year Tees Off In Greenland

For some people, summer means only one thing – golf. summit:status:webcam  

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Just How Stupid Is Climate Progress?

You can’t make this stuff up. U.S. Coal Generation Drops 19 Percent In One Year, Leaving Coal With 36 Percent Share Of Electricity By Stephen Lacey on May 14, 2012 at 9:27 am Power generation from coal is falling quickly. … Continue reading

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Putting Ice In Perspective

NSIDC normally stretches the Y-scale of their Arctic plots relative to their Antarctic plots, which makes it look like the negative anomaly is very large. Below I put both together at the same scale. It turns out that the polar ice caps are doing … Continue reading

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Fuel Strike Needed

The President and his supporters have determined that oil and coal are evil, and need to be  shut down. Energy industries should oblige them with a voluntary shutdown three weeks ahead of the July 4th holiday. People don’t know what they have … Continue reading

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Climate Writer Underlies The Core Problem

Ignorance of history seems to be a common thread of all radical movements. This writer apparently believes that Africa didn’t used to have droughts, and that Asia didn’t used to have floods. Bracing for tough climate talks With the climate … Continue reading

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More Permanent Drought Headed For Texas Today

Texas has had 4-8 inches of permanent drought during the past week, and is expecting more today. Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

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Community Organizer Criticizes Businessman

This headline made me laugh : Obama campaign ad blasts Romney’s business career Obama has no business experience, and since he and the Democrats took over Washington in 2006, unemployment and the national debt has doubled. Hope and change. Democrats win House, … Continue reading

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Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain

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Hockey Team Huddle Needed!

David Appell reports : Taking water from the ground sends it on its way to the oceans, but putting up dams in rivers keeps it from reaching the sea. Humans are doing more of the former, and the dams are … Continue reading

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The Real Arctic Death Spiral

Over the past year we have witnessed a real death spiral in the Arctic – a loss of information. First we lost JAXA and Bremen. Now Cryosphere Today seems to be gone. This is particularly disturbing because JAXA and Cryosphere … Continue reading

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