Monthly Archives: May 2012

Global Warming As A Form Of Mental Illness

The hockey team has turned on Martin Hoerling, for telling the truth. No surprise, because their funding and prestige depends on maintaining the big lie. What is interesting is the reaction of the global warming groupies, like those who frequent … Continue reading

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Life In The Real World

I took a long bike ride through the permanent drought of Colorado this afternoon. You can see the devastating effects below. [youtube=] It was a great day today, football in the morning and cycling in the afternoon. The weather was … Continue reading

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Dr. Hansimian’s Little Known 1981 Football Forecast

In 1981, Dr. Hansimian made this remarkably precise forecast, explaining how the Red Devils would nearly win the 2012 championship – due to climate change. May 13, 1981 Global warming is ubiquitous. Every gust of wind in the future will be the … Continue reading

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WWF President Hopes To Kill Millions Of People In His Next Life

The President Emeritus of WWF and past President from 1981-1996, says that he hopes to kill millions of people in his next life. If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human … Continue reading

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Disturbing Imagery Of The Southwest Permanent Drought

Images of Taos and Santa Fe taken this afternoon.

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The Best Laid Schemes

But Mousie, thou art no thy lane, In proving foresight may be vain: The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men Gang aft agley, An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain, For promis’d joy! If Hollywood made a movie showing … Continue reading

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Berwyn Failing To Make Mountain Residents Stupid

Despite Berwyn’s bully pulpit, only one third of Summit County residents believe him. Back in early March, the Summit Daily ran an online poll asking readers what they thought about climate change. The available answers were (1) Climate change is … Continue reading

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Joe Romm Backtracks On The Permanent Drought

Last summer, Joe Romm declared the official beginning of the permanent southwest drought. I just spoke with my mother in New Mexico, who told me that it “has been raining so much – it looks like the Garden of Eden” That didn’t work … Continue reading

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Phil Jones Devastated

Plus some sour grapes from SAF. Ferguson told BBC Sport. ‘Everybody expected City to win, but they did it against 10 men for half an hour and with five extra minutes to help them.’ Alex Ferguson praises Manchester City title … Continue reading

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Consensus Says Two Metres Of Sea Level Rise

The American polar expert Robert Correll, among the key contributors to the UN International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report issued in February, described the acceleration as “massive”. Estimates of the likely rise in sea levels this century vary, and … Continue reading

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