Monthly Archives: May 2012

Invest In Antarctic Real Estate – Now

The UK’s top scientist says that Antarctica will soon be the only place on Earth which supports human life! 2004: Antarctica is likely to be the world’s only habitable continent by the end of this century if global warming remains … Continue reading

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Biggest Day In Manchester Since 1996

The IRA remodeled Manchester on June 15, 1996 – and it happened again today. Probably the most exciting match I have ever seen. But why did Mancini wait so long to put Balotelli in? Meanwhile, Joey proves he is an … Continue reading

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If I Were Mancini …

I would put Balotelli in the match in place of Yaya Toure ….

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Children Just Won’t Know What Bare Ground Looks Like

Cumbria – May 11 2012 UK weather: Sun in England. Snow in Scotland. Eels in Wales: May’s weather gets even madder | Mail Online

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Justin Gillis – Worried About Tasiilaq – Forecast Six Feet Of Sea Level Rise

Tasiilaq, Greenland – May 12, 2012 As Glaciers Melt, Science Seeks Data on Rising Seas By JUSTIN GILLIS Published: November 13, 2010 TASIILAQ, Greenland — With a tense pilot gripping the stick, the helicopter hovered above the water, a red … Continue reading

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Hansen/Cook Forecast Update

In 1986, Hansen told us that the heat would be unbearable by 2006. The Press-Courier – Google News Archive Search John Cook says that Hansen’s forecast from the 1981 was conservative, because “global warming hadn’t really begun to kick in”

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Ehrlich Update : We All Disappeared In A Cloud Of Blue Steam In 1992

Paul Ehrlich – 1972 Ehrlich told us last month that his earlier predictions proved to be correct.

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BBC Climate Update

The BBC announced this week that climate skeptics are like terrorists and pedophiles. They also told us that the Arctic will be ice free by 2013. “In the end, it will just melt away quite suddenly” BBC NEWS | Science/Nature … Continue reading

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Update On The Australian Permanent Drought

Four years ago, BOM’s leading expert declared that Australia was in a permanent drought. Richard Macey January 4, 2008 IT MAY be time to stop describing south-eastern Australia as gripped by drought and instead accept the extreme dry as permanent, … Continue reading

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Hayhoe Forecasts An Ice-Free Arctic In “a few years”

[page 6] The Arctic ice—where polar bears live, hunt, and even den—has been melting so fast that scientists estimate the entire Arctic summer could be ice-free within just a few years. Tom Nelson: Hayhoe in her 2009 book “A Climate … Continue reading

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