Monthly Archives: May 2012

Eight More Inches Of Rain At The Texas Permanent Drought

Intellicast – Weekly Precipitation in United States The weather of the 21st century will be very much like the hot and dry weather of 2011. Giving extra credibility to this forecast is the fact that the weather extremes that we … Continue reading

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Arctic Institute Update

At the beginning of March, The Arctic Institute wrote a hit piece on meteorologist Mark Johnson, in which they declared that Arctic ice was not close to two standard deviations. That day, it went within two standard deviations and has stayed that … Continue reading

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The Very High Price Of Green Stupidity

Germany is on the brink of an energy catastrophe, while California is on the brink of financial collapse. Both places chose to replace rational thought with green fog. Germany has escaped several times last winter just large-scale power outages. In the … Continue reading

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Hansen – The Climate Chiropractor

Need your climate adjusted? – call Dr. James Hansen at GISS. Below is a chronology of the destruction and politicization of the US and global temperature record. The Northern Hemisphere used to have a broken hockey stick problem. According to the National Academy … Continue reading

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Hansen Threatened By Sea Level Rise

Disturbing photo of sea level creeping up behind Hansen.

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Fullerton Police Beat Unarmed Homeless Man To Death

The videotape showed an escalating situation that abruptly became hostile when officer Manuel Ramos snapped on latex gloves and said, “Now, you see my fists? … They’re getting ready to f— you up … If you don’t start f—— listening.” … Continue reading

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Garnaut 2008 : Kangaroo Farting Tax Needed To Stop Global Warming

Just when you thought these morons had peaked. Eat roo-burgers, because they don’t fart as much as dinosaurs. Eating roo may combat global warming Thursday, 2 October 2008 Call to encourage climate-friendly farms, Science Online, 04 Jul 2008 Eating kangaroo … Continue reading

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2009 : “how did the Met Office get it so wrong?”

Britain will have first decent ‘barbecue summer‘ in three years with … Apr 30, 2009 – Dubbing it a “barbecue summer“, they predict it is just the beginning of a series of much nicer summers to come with rainfall much lower than … … Continue reading

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Greens Long For The Days When Nature Was In Control

Hoping to restore the balance of nature, before evil white men ruined the planet. 14 Feb 1911 – FAMINE IN CHINA. 27 Jul 1893 – Famine in China. 08 May 1953 – China famine 20 Jan 1912 – Famine in … Continue reading

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New Forecast

I’m watching Dortmund-Munich right now, and Munich looks even worse than Chelsea did against Newcastle. Forecast Result UAH April 0.29 0.295 Chelsea-Liverpool 2-1 2-1 Man City-Newcastle 4-1 2-0 Munich-Chelsea 2-2 (penalties decide) (May 19)

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