Monthly Archives: May 2012

Wildebeest Herds Return To Greenland

With temperatures up above -40 today, the Wildebeest herds have returned to the ice sheet. Africa is simply too hot for them, now that Hansen has adjusted their temperatures upwards.

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Obama Combat Photos Released

In a unique display of combat prowess, President Obama killed America’s most hated enemy – Osama – twice in the last year.  The same artist who generated Obama’s birth certificate, is now proud to present Obama’s official combat photos. Obama nervously preparing … Continue reading

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Feeling Lucky, Punk?

sst_anom.gif (800×600) Alarmists got all excited in March about an isolated area of warmth over the eastern US. It would be nice if they were correct, but North America and the Arctic are surrounded by very cold water. How long will our … Continue reading

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Hiding The Post-1981 Decline In Hansen

The Internet is all abuzz with Hansen’s not yet failed (and previously ignored) 1981 forecasts. The 1981 forecasts were of course superseded by his already failed 1988 Congressional forecasts, but the team is getting desperate to buy time. The graph below shows that his … Continue reading

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Columbia University : No Research Permitted Here

Thursday, April 05, 2007 Global warming is turning the Southwest into a permanent Dust Bowl, where the dry conditions of our worst 20th century droughts — the 1930s and 1950s — become the norm over the next century, according to … Continue reading

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Evil Men In The Climate Debate

The BBC complains that claim change deniers are evil men, but they may have not thought their position through very clearly – given that the corrupt men are on the other side of the debate. Climate experts on how to … Continue reading

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Proposing A Return To 19th Century CO2 Levels

Hansen doesn’t go far enough. We should go back to the CO2 levels of the last decade of the 19th century, which brought record heat, fire, tornadoes and hurricanes. The hottest decade in Arizona was the 1890s. ARIZONA Climate Summary … Continue reading

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Be Careful What You Ask For, Katherine

Katherine has been misleading the flock about Texas weather, and is getting her just rewards. The hot pink circle sits over Katherine – the only place in Texas or Oklahoma still experiencing drought. I have been watching the radar recently, and Lubbock keeps getting missed … Continue reading

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Suzuki : Humans Are Maggots Who Defecate On The Environment

h/t to hauntingthelibrary and Marc Morano

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Two Weeks Of No Updates At Cryosphere Today

April 28 was the last update at CT. I hope everything is OK.

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