Monthly Archives: May 2012

Jeff Masters Climate Weighting Rules

If it is hot in Moscow and cool in Chicago – Moscow makes up 99% of the planet. If it is warm in Chicago, and very cold in Moscow – Chicago makes up 99% of the planet.

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Joe Bastardi Explains The Real Climate Problem

Joe Bastardi suggests that Hansen may be meowing down the wrong tree. This post will stay on top today with new posts appearing below. ————————————————————————– Guest post by Joe Bastardi My problem is the climate is NOT WARMING. Since the pdo flip, the three … Continue reading

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Hansen : Decades Of Raging Stupidity On Venus

I hadn’t seen this before – this is classic. Apparently Hansen claimed in 1983 that the opacity of Venus atmosphere to IR is 100 times greater than Earth. What utter tripe. In the year 1900, Angstrom demonstrated that IR absorption in a … Continue reading

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Global Warming Essay Quiz

We learned this week that climate change can be caused by either dinosaur farts or by evil white pedophile males. In 100 words or less, how do you distinguish between dinosaur fart climate change, and white male pedophile climate change? Extra credit. Are dinosaur … Continue reading

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1840 Tornado Killed Hundreds Of Slaves In Mississippi

Proof of the BBC claim that climate change deniers are slave owners! 24 Oct 1840 – HORRIBLE STORM—NATCHEZ IN RUINS.

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BBC : Male Climate Change Deniers Are Like Terrorists, Paedophiles, And Slave Owners

Because we live in a broadly patriarchal society, we should not be surprised that the culture which brought about the worldwide financial meltdown was overwhelmingly masculine. But consider also that the people who are most vocal in denying human responsibility … Continue reading

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More Pig News From The Winter That Wasn’t

Jeff Master’s winter that wasn’t was also known as a mini ice-age 2/7/2012 A mini ice-age has caused record-low temperatures in Eastern Europe and rare heavy snow across the continent. Reports from hospitals and emergency agencies put the death toll over the past several days … Continue reading

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Winter That Wasn’t Flashback : “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is”

Jeff Masters reminds me of the great genius of David Viner. 20 MARCH 2000 According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall … Continue reading

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Hansen : Making The Climate Safe Below 350 PPM

1896 was the deadliest tornado season on record, because of the low CO2 concentration. Hansen tells us that low CO2 provides a safe and stable climate.

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NOAA Resuscitates 285 People In St. Louis

540 people were killed by a tornado which hit St. Louis in May, 1896. Remarkably, NOAA has brought most of them back to life!

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