Monthly Archives: May 2012

Hansen : CO2 To Create Giant Pigs?

If we were to fully exploit this new oil source, and continue to burn our conventional oil, gas and coal supplies, concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere eventually would reach levels higher than in the Pliocene era, more than 2.5 million … Continue reading

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Hansen Recycling The Same Drought Scare From 1988


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More Hansen BS

The global warming signal is now louder than the noise of random weather, as I predicted would happen by now in the journal Science in 1981. Extremely hot summers have increased noticeably. We can say with high confidence that the recent heat … Continue reading

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Hansen Forecast Verification

Yesterday, Hansen called for permanent drought from Texas to North Dakota. Eight inches of rain in parts of Texas this past week. Good call Jim.

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Jeff Masters Proves Global Warming It was warm in March over Jeff Masters. The warm spot during March occupied almost 5% of the planet, and that is all the evidence we need to turn control of the US over to the UN.

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Hansen Covering His Tracks In Iceland

A few weeks ago, Hansen was caught massively altering the temperature record in Iceland – to produce a non-existent warming trend, and disappear that pesky warm 1930s and 1940s. Paul Matthews points out that Hansen has a new version of the graph, which isn’t … Continue reading

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Intelligent Life On Mars

Scientists have repeatedly claimed to find life on Mars, proving once again that there is little or no intelligent life on Earth. 09 Jul 1907 – The Planet Mars. EVIDENCE OF BEING INHABITED. Lo… Mars Viking Robots ‘Found Life’ : … Continue reading

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Percival Lowell – Hansen’s Inspiration?

Percival Lowell was a well respected researcher in the late 19th/early 20th centuries – who proved that Mars had intelligent life forms, which were actively irrigating and farming the planet. He also warned that climate change would bring permanent drought … Continue reading

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The Virtual Reality Of Climate Science

Billions of dollars are spent every year to speculate on what the climate would be like below 350 ppm CO2. This is possibly the stupidest venture in scientific history, because we have huge amounts of historical information available about what the climate … Continue reading

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Evaluating The Obama Stimulus Plan

In 2009, Obama convinced Congress to put every American child another $10,000 in debt, in order to fund his “Stimulus Act.” He produced this graph shewing the consequences of not passing the Act. So how did Obama do? The red line below … Continue reading

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