Monthly Archives: May 2012

Stop Keystone!

The 1970s was a better time. Not only was the temperature a few hundredths of a degree cooler, but we got to know our neighbors’ dark side while sitting through three hour waits to purchase gasoline. Evil big oil threatens our future, … Continue reading

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Vote Democrat And Stop Evil Capitalism

The only TV I normally watch is the Fox Soccer Channel, which doesn’t have political ads. Last night I was watching Mythbusters blow some stuff up on the Discovery Channel, when an anti-Romney ad came on. The substance of their complaint … Continue reading

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Obama Tries To Divert Attention Away From His Malfeasance

In 2008, Obama intentionally misrepresented his views on same-sex marriage, God, and Christianity in order to get elected. He should be impeached over this, but as usual the press is protecting him and letting him change the subject and pin blame on somebody … Continue reading

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Spring Arrives In Greenland

Spring has arrived in Greenland. Temperatures are up to a balmy -1C in Tasiilaq, and Hendrik has cracked his window open, sadly obscuring the view of his dog. Hendriks webcam i Tasiilaq

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The Perfect Harmony Of Pre-Industrial CO2 Levels

Floods, fire, drought, and death were business as usual before man started ruining the climate. 27 Feb 1932 – BLACK THURSDAY VICTORIA’S DISASTROUS FIRE A TRAI…

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97% Of Rocket Scientists Say That Hansen Is Incompetent – And Destroying NASA

To the long list of right-wing, knuckle-dragging know nothings who dare question “global warming,” environmentalists can add six Apollo astronauts, two rocket men who flew aboard Skylab and a pair of former directors of the Johnson Space Center (JSC). These … Continue reading

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1944 : Dust Storms Cover Three States


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1901 : The Beginning Of The Permanent Drought In Australia

Last year, Joe Romm determined that he could forecast the rest of time – based on one storm. However, 110 years earlier – it is unlikely that anyone that dimwitted would have survived long enough to go bald. 08 Feb … Continue reading

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Inside Hansen’s Disordered Mind

Hansen tells us that global warming will cause a semi-permanent drought in the west and in Texas. He also tells us that global warming may cause a semi-permanent El Nino. One minor problem – El Nino normally causes unusually wet … Continue reading

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Hansen : Game Over – Again

Hansen is hoping to choke off the energy supply for the US economy, has declared that the game is over for climate again – and that the west is going to enter yet another permanent droughtflood. Game Over for the … Continue reading

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