Monthly Archives: May 2012

Giant Government Grants Produce Massive Brain Flatulence

Dinosaurs’ Gaseous Emissions Warmed Earth? Giant sauropods produced huge amounts of greenhouse gases, study suggests. Charles Choi for National Geographic News Published May 7, 2012 Dinosaurs may have helped warm ancient Earth via their own natural gaseous emissions, a new … Continue reading

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Dessler Permanent Drought To End This Week

Last summer, Jr. Dessler declared the Texas drought to be permanent. Eight months later, all that is left of the permanent drought is southwest Texas …. with heavy rain on the way. Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

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No Trend Towards Flood Or Drought In The US

Bill McKibben is convinced that he sees terrifying trends, but the data says that he is just imagining things. Some years are wet, some years are dry, but there are no trends evident. The only thing obvious from the graph below is … Continue reading

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CryoSat : Arctic Ice Same Thickness As 1940

CryoSat shows that Arctic sea ice averaged 2.0 meters (6.5 feet) thick in February, 2012. In February 1940, Arctic ice also averaged 6.5 feet thick. Ice thickness is the same as it was 72 years ago.

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Old Atmosphere Returns

Much of the US was enjoying Jeff Master’s “whole new atmosphere” for a few weeks, but the old atmosphere has returned and it is cold and wet again.

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Death Spiral Update : Sea Ice Area Still Right At Normal

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Recycled Sea Level Madness

In 1901, a theory of Antarctic ice sheet collapse became popular. There is no evidence that this is occurring, or that London or New York are in any danger of drowning. The IPCC forecasts only 18-59 cm of sea level … Continue reading

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July 13, 1936 – 1600 People Died From The Heat In One Day


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Andrew Freedman Clueless On Sea Level

Sea level rise brings to mind the threat of coastal flooding from menacing storm surges, with growing risks to shore-based infrastructure — but a new study indicates there’s another sea level rise-related threat that has so far slipped under the … Continue reading

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Global Warming Causing Widespread Famine And Malaria In The US

No denying global warming: From belief may come relief NIE “Star Search” op-ed on global warming. By Wesley Richardson of Colonial Forge High School. Date published: 5/7/2012 RISING temperatures are causing crop losses across America’s heartland and resulting in widespread … Continue reading

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