Monthly Archives: May 2012

1925 : Weather Patterns Tied To Sunspots


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Human Generated CO2 Increasing Human Exposure To Radiation

Global warming is our fault Humans are now accepting that global warming is not a myth, but some still refuse to claim responsibility for what’s happening to our home. The evidence of global warming is irrefutable. The hole in the … Continue reading

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Obama Brings Racial Justice To America

By Michelle Washington The Virginian-Pilot © May 1, 2012 Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim. The victim’s friend, a young woman, tried to pull him back into his car. Attackers … Continue reading

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Why Obama Is Talking About Osama

US Economy Faces Risk of ‘Fiscal Cliff’: Fed Officials Published: Tuesday, 1 May 2012 | 2:32 PM ET Text Size Two Federal Reserve officials warned Tuesday that the U.S. could be heading for a “fiscal cliff” at year’s end Milken … Continue reading

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Chance For The Dead To Talk To Monbiot

According to Monbiot, you are already dead. 24 December 2002 Within as little as 10 years, the world will be faced with a choice: arable farming either continues to feed the world’s animals or it continues to feed the world’s … Continue reading

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Is Wigan The Best Team In The Premiership?

I just watched the Wigan – Newcastle match. Great passing. Great shooting. Great defense. Next season will be interesting.

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Same Old Reds – In A New Green Uniform

The new Bolsheviks are getting quite bold. Global warming: New research emphasizes the role of economic growth May 1, 2012 It’s a message no one wants to hear: To slow down global warming, we’ll either have to put the brakes on … Continue reading

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Mann Even More Clueless Than McCarver

You can’t make this stuff up. Mann also threw a high, hard one at McCarver’s theory, saying that the carbon emissions behind climate change may even lower home runs. “If anything, anthropogenic carbon emissions and global warming should make the … Continue reading

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Sinking Tide Gauges

The tide gauge at Kiptopeke Beach, Virginia shows sea level rising almost 100mm since 1993. Data and Station Information for KIPTOPEKE BEACH But satellite data there shows little or no change sea level since 1993. The tide gauge data (blue below) has diverged … Continue reading

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Joe Bastardi Responds To Tim McCarver’s Home Run Claim

The article below is Joe Bastardi’s response to Tim McCarver’s claim that global warming is causing more home runs because warm air is thinner.. The only thing I would add is that part of his theory seems easy enough to … Continue reading

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