Monthly Archives: May 2012

1927 : Mother Nature Rampaging All Over The Planet

Hansen said recently that weather disasters used to affect only 1% of the planet.

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1988 : Canadian/Norwegian PMs Predicted 1.5 Metres Sea Level Rise By 2050

Speaking at a conference on the changing atmosphere, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada proposed a global ”law of the air,” and Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland of Norway called for a treaty to stabilize the earth’s atmosphere and prevent … Continue reading

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How To Get People To Do Really, Really Bad Things

The approach is simple, and has been tested over and over again throughout history. If you can convince a significant segment of the population that there is evil which threatens their existence, you can get them to engage in almost any atrocity. … Continue reading

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Onwards And Upwards With James Hansen

Satellites have been very naughty during the latter half of their careers. They just can’t find any global warming. Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs Dr. J. (Hansen) is undaunted by actual data, and has ramped up his fabrication of temperatures … Continue reading

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The Billion Dollar Disaster Scam

A favorite metric of climate scum like Joe Romm, is that “billion dollar disasters” are on the rise. The are 2.5 times as many houses along the Gulf Coast as there were in 1960, and the average price of homes … Continue reading

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Voting Open For Climate Denier Of The Decade

Given the failure of the prophesies about Manhattan drowning, ice caps melting, and temperatures rising, the church has come to rely on a select group of people who feel unbounded by history – and are willing to rewrite historical data … Continue reading

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Who Needs Scientists? They Have Al Gore And James Hansen

In their open letter to the Prime Minister in April, 61 of the world’s leading experts modestly expressed their understanding of the science: “The study of global climate change is an ’emerging science,’ one that is perhaps the most complex … Continue reading

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Global Warming – Burning A Hole In Branson’s Wallet

At island retreat, Branson and friends seek to save a world ‘on fire‘ By Andrew Ross Sorkin Published: Thursday, March 20, 2008 British Virgin Islands — Richard Branson was lounging under the starry midnight sky on this palm-dappled speck of … Continue reading

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CO2 Bulimia

If you wanted to get someone to kill themself, an effective way to do it would be to put an idea in their head that something they need for survival is very bad for them. For example, the belief that food was … Continue reading

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Life In The Good Old Days

Greens long for the happy times – before CO2 destroyed civilization.   Days Out: Oxford Castle – UK – Travel – The Independent

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