Monthly Archives: May 2012

Tournament Play Suspended In Greenland

High winds have picked up and the visibility is too poor for good golf. At -11F, temperatures are 100 degrees warmer than Antarctica. summit:status:webcam

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Send Gore On Another Fact Finding Trip

Al is still thawing out from his Antarctic meltdown trip, but not too soon for a repeat performance. History | Weather Underground He is still in shock about Antarctica, and is now back to making up nonsense about the Arctic. … Continue reading

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What Part Of “Global” Isn’t Clear

The 1990 IPCC report was quite clear that there was a global MWP.

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Competition Proposal

I propose a competition between California and Texas. California runs for one year completely off green energy, and Texas runs for one year completely off fossil fuels. At the end of the year, we can see if there is anyone … Continue reading

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Obama – The Venture Capitalist

The failure in chief is spending the week criticizing Romney for being a successful businessman. Feb. 2009 Solyndra CEO suggests energy secretary help showcase company July 2009 DOE staffer criticizes Chu for implying Solyndra has already won loan. Aug. 2009 White House aide pushes … Continue reading

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Yamal Unleashed

Joe D’Aleo sent over this picture of the critical Yamal tree. The image shows external humidity factors – which may be influencing its growth patterns.

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Why Would Anyone Be Embarrassed To Be Associated With Fossil Fuels?

Fossil fuels are what makes our modern lifestyle possible. Life was very short and completely sucked for most people before the days of fossil fuels. I would be embarrassed to be associated with Chevy Volt, or Solyndra or a wind farm … Continue reading

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The Car Of The Future

Green – because someone puked all over it. Living Green Magazine

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1635 : 140 MPH Hurricane Hit New England

This of course didn’t compare with the ferocious 35 MPH winds which caused Obama to evacuate Martha’s Vineyard last August. The Great Colonial Hurricane of 1635: One such storm was known as the Great Colonial Hurricane of 1635, striking the … Continue reading

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Bald Mann Speaks With Forked Tongue

The 1990 IPCC report contained the inconvenient graph above, which didn’t look anything like a hockey stick. Briffa’s trees didn’t look anything like a hockey stick either. Mikey had to get rid of the MWP, but this was going to … Continue reading

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