Payback Time From The Bitter People Who Cling To Guns And Religion

Obama 2008 – talking about Americans he doesn’t like

they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment

Democratic voters 2012

Two weeks after an imprisoned felon received 41 percent of the vote against President Obama in West Virginia’s presidential primary, Arkansas could provide another potential embarrassment for the incumbent.

Barack Obama’s Arkansas primary problem – The Washington Post

The West Virginia primary was interesting – 41% went to an imprisoned criminal, and the rest went to a guy who has stolen $8 trillion from our children’s future.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Payback Time From The Bitter People Who Cling To Guns And Religion

  1. suyts says:

    The vote in Arkansas should be interesting. :-)…… in OK, Obama lost an entire district to an anti-abortion Democrat. I’m not complacent by any means, but I’m getting more and more comfortable with projecting a Romney win.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      I’m worried, though, And don’t listen to Dick Morris. Hotair reported a nbc / wsj poll showing O up by 4. I know we’ve talked about this election being about more than just the economy, but to some degree Mitt seems to be saying it’s just about the economy, and that was the basis of my complaint:
      Not a good poll, as Mitt is going backwards. He’s already playing a prevent defense, but you only do that when you’re winning. Really, you shouldn’t do that at all.
      But look, it easy, just frame the election in terms like the Crossroads GPS “Basketball” ad The election is about a runaway out of control intrusive govt, that is spending $ like crazy. That’s it. The economy is too mundane and temporary, emphasize the bigger issue of an out of control govt.

  2. Wayne Ward (truthsword) says:

    Yes, here in West Virginia, 100% of the Democratic vote went to a criminal….

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