Phil – Making Data Out Of Nothing At All

There is something fascinating about science.
One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture
out of such a trifling investment of fact.
– Mark Twain.

Phil Jones has been able to very precisely determine the global temperature in 1860 (within one thousandth of a degree) even though he only had a half dozen land based thermometers in the southern hemisphere, and perhaps 15% land coverage in the northern hemisphere.

nhshgl.gif (629×726)

January 1860 CRUTEM4v coverage.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Phil – Making Data Out Of Nothing At All

  1. Jimmy Haigh says:

    This proves just how brilliant a scientist Jones is. /sarc

  2. Graphs like that which only show the trend, really fail to illustrate the year to year variability found in the actual climate system.

  3. Andyj says:

    What an idiot!
    One thermometer to represent a 50 mile square as accurate? Anyone in the UK can tell you that is one prime example of a non scientific assumption.

    Three miles away between my town (300′ lower) there can be over 4C difference (either way) or impassable snows, floods, even cloud cover differences!!
    One guy who came to work with us was looking for a house to move into. He looked North East out of the windows at work to the local town and labelled it “gloomy city”. Noticed towards my way how bright it is and seemed to rain far less. His wife had the final say by moving to the coast with the promise of more Sunshine, rare snows and rarely freezes. Only 45 miles West-North-West of work.

  4. Andyj says:

    While I’m “on one”, has anyone seen this list?

  5. Billy Liar says:

    It makes you wonder how the ‘Team’ can argue that the LIA was ‘regional’ when Phil Jones produces graphs that show very little difference between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

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