Polar Bears Fighting Back Against Climate Scientists

Barrow Sea Ice Mass Balance Site 2012

The Mass Balance site was damaged by a polar bear earlier this season and field repair attempts were unsuccessful. The data are being collected and the complete dataset will be available at the end of the ice season. Thank you for your patience.

Barrow Ice Thickness and Sea Level

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Polar Bears Fighting Back Against Climate Scientists

  1. gator69 says:

    Are we sure the damage wasn’t caused by a boating accident? Or a manatee?

  2. gregole says:

    Further evidence that polar bears are far more endangering that endangered…

  3. Andy DC says:

    The dataset was going to show much more ice that the alarmists had envisioned, so the site was conveniently ravaged by a love starved polar bear.

  4. “According to our stations, which have nearly 95% coverage of the ‘Artic’, the North Pole could be covered by as much as 3.482 meters of high-quality bear fat, and 36.9844mm of fur. This spells certain doom for the highly endangered funding whore.”

    • Eric Simpson says:

      What about the South Pole?
      Or nearby… it’s currently -107°F at Vostok.

      But it still “feels like -107°F” but the wind is 7mph. That should yield some windchill, but no, I think it’s a warmist conspiracy that they are suppressing the true windchill, not to sound like a conspiracy theorist.
      Going down to -108° tonight. It’s never, in what I’ve seen, got down to -110&def;F. So that is going to be the champagne moment if we get that low. It’s good we’re here and not there. It says that the Dew Point is -122°f. Wow, at the point CO2 starts to freeze, maybe that’s the answer to global warming.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Also, lol on the funding whore. And I had thought that the bears had drowned and clogged up the Northwest Passage.

  5. gofer says:

    Enviros declare Arctic monitoring equipment hazardous to Polar Bears. Demand all equipment be biodegradable and easily digestable.

  6. NoMoreGore says:

    Here’s a bear who fought the man by chewing on his power lines…

  7. NoMoreGore says:

    Here’s a cuddly polar bear that someone tried to hug…. gee, why can’t we see they’re just mad about climate change?

  8. tckev says:

    Polar Bears are so last year – now it’s cooked turtles

    Yet another study filled with if…may…could…might…likely outcomes, etc, etc,

    • gator69 says:

      Herbed-Baked Eggs

      * 1/4 teaspoon minced fresh garlic
      * 1/4 teaspoon minced fresh thyme leaves
      * 1/4 teaspoon minced fresh rosemary leaves
      * 1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley
      * 1 tablespoon freshly grated Parmesan
      * 6 “EXTRA-LARGE” eggs
      * 2 tablespoons heavy cream
      * 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
      * Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
      * Toasted French bread or brioche, for serving

      Bon appetit! 😉

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