Quick Math Primer

If you average two odd integers, the average is also an integer.  average(7,5) = 6.0

If you average two even integers, the average is also an integer.    average(8,6) = 7.0

If you average an odd and an even integer, the average always has a decimal of .5  average(6,3) = 4.5      50% of all integer pairs come in this category.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Quick Math Primer

  1. dal101 says:

    Isn’t the even odd, or is it odd that the odds are even?

  2. The odds are pretty even that you are half right. 😉

  3. Peter Ellis says:

    Oh, don’t be a moron, Steve. Do you really think that the max/min temperatures are only measured to a precision of 1 whole degree? It’s obvious that the internal precision is higher, and it’s rounded for display purposes.

    Chuntering about this stuff just makes you look like a stupid obsessive who doesn’t understand basic arithmetic and rounding.

  4. pet says:

    Stark Dickflüssig says:

    Greatest name ever! : )

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