Romm 2010 : BP Oil Spill To Ravage The Gulf Coast For A Generation – Ruin The Florida Keys

It’s now clear that the Gulf Coast will be ravaged, that the impact will be felt for at least a generation, and that we will probably be testing seafood from the area for decades. If the Loop Current entrains a significant amount of the oil and dispersants to the Florida Keys, America’s great coral reef might suffer irreparable damage.

Will eco-disasters destroy Obama’s legacy? – Gulf Oil Spill –

Libs love Joe, because he is both hysterical and clueless.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Romm 2010 : BP Oil Spill To Ravage The Gulf Coast For A Generation – Ruin The Florida Keys

  1. DirkH says:

    Didn’t the Earth’s crust also rupture and a combination of a huge Methane bubble and some Elder Gods are ravaging the Earth now? I remember a story on helium…

  2. What I find most strange, is the inability to admit error later on. Romm will rationalise now that the Florida Keys was just really lucky it wasn’t worse. The winds and currents saved the day, but it could so easily have been different…

    I’m not sure what it’s about but there seems to be a strong urge for even reasonably rational people to engage in apocalyptic fear mongering. During the Swine Flu panic I was on a sceptical forum and everyone in the thread was wetting their pants. I was doing my own research on this and posted some reasonable questions: What is the basis for the fear claim? Isn’t comparing this to the Spanish Flu of 1918 drawing a rather long bow at this stage? Records show we’ve had Swine Flu outbreaks on previous occasions and nothing catastrophic happened so why would this be different? Let’s just say that the reaction from the other posters was rather negative towards my questioning… 🙂

  3. Olaf Koenders says:

    “It’s now clear… will be ravaged… will be felt… will probably be testing… If the loop current… might suffer…”

    Notice how he was absolutely sure of his diatribe at the beginning, but steadily added significant conditions and uncertainty..?

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