Romm : England In Permanent Droughtflood Due To Missing Arctic Ice

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Romm : England In Permanent Droughtflood Due To Missing Arctic Ice

  1. calvertn says:

    I don’t know when that photo was taken, the River Kennet was in flood in late April and someone drowned in it at Reading.
    That particular river suffers from over-abstraction to serve a large and growing town called Swindon.

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    Vermont bans fracking:
    They should also ban natural gas imports from other states that involved fracking., then watch their gas bills skyrocket under their plan.

    • Andy DC says:

      It is ironic that a frigid state like Vermont, which could benefit from a few degrees of warming, is one of the states fighting the hardest against it.

  3. tckev says:

    It’s all part of the plan to reduce emissions of that dangerous greenhouse gas dihydrogen oxide. It has been proved that when this watery pollution gets into the atmosphere it wreaks havoc on the climate. The UK is committed to reducing all climate change pollution and as such is seeking methods of returning the UK back to a stable predictable frozen climate.

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