Senate Majority Leader Doesn’t Know What A Semiconductor Is

“The SIA [Semiconductor Industry Association] had also become increasingly concerned about Washington’s ignorance of semiconductors, a fact that continues to shock senior executives. At a meeting with Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, and twenty semiconductor chief executives before the SIA’s move, Reid started off by asking , “So what’s a semiconductor?” according to one of the executives present. After having it politely explained, Reid kept referring to the “supercollider,” which has as little to do with the computer chip as french fries.”

— Edward Luce, Time to Start Thinking: America in the Age of Descent

h/t to David Appell

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Senate Majority Leader Doesn’t Know What A Semiconductor Is

  1. GDConklin says:

    reminds me of the scene in “Joe Versus the Volcano” where “Joe” meets with Lloyd Bridges “Grainamore” and he explains that he needs a rare mineral called “boobaru” to make his superconductors. I think Reid is full of boobaru . . . . .

  2. Ray says:

    Maybe Reid thinks that a semiconductor is a dwarf orchestra conductor or a conductor that works part-time…

  3. Ray says:

    What an idiot… and he is part of those that want to control the Internet… major ignoramus!

  4. Eric Simpson says:

    Reid is an absolute moron. ~Two years ago, H Reid said: “It’s global warming. It’s ruining our country. It’s ruining our world.”
    This is sheer idiocy. There’s nothing wrong with our climate, and gwarming is not doing anything to our country, let alone ruining it. I know one thing, Reid said that gw is ruining our country right in the middle of when they were passing that shameful boondoggle Obamacare. It’s Obamacare that’s going to ruin this country, adding trillions in spending, and turning medical care into a govt operation, like the inept post office.

  5. Traitor in Chief says:

    Marxism is a cult of idiocy. New pledges agree to have their brains spun into mush in return for a place to “veg” in the Politburo. There are a lot of brain dead yokels on the left side of the isle.

  6. Jason Calley says:

    Ignorant? Of course Reid is ignorant — being intelligent is not part of his job function. The only requirement for his job is expertise in acquiring and exercising power. Forget what your high-school teachers told you; intelligence is not a part of it. In fact, when it comes to ignorance, check this guy –

  7. nzrobin says:

    This reminded me of another example of ingorance from about a year ago. The chief of EPA’s air quality programs didn’t know how much CO2 was in the air.

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