Shock News From The Guardian : Ice Doesn’t Melt At -30C

97% of climate scientists have now graduated from kindergarten.

Sea-level rises ‘may not be as high as worst-case scenarios have predicted’ | Environment |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Shock News From The Guardian : Ice Doesn’t Melt At -30C

  1. Latitude says:

    First it was more manatees…..then more polar bears……then penguins it’s the figgin ice!

  2. jimash1 says:

    Walking it back very slowly.
    Don’t let ’em up.

  3. NoMoreGore says:

    Does this mean that we all hafta keep on livin? Shucks.

    Steve, who is that nutball on your domain? More than just a few screws loose. Can’t you contact the service provider to regain access?

  4. Michael Strickland says:

    The last line is priceless. “if you raise the floor of a basketball court… there will be more dunks!”!?!?!?

    • miked1947 says:

      Such intelligence! Purely amazing what they can come p with to show their knowledge of how things work.
      They should just put Flubber on the players shoes.

  5. So it’s going down from 100 metres (worst case) to 99 metres… ?? That would be an amazing concession from the Guardian… I suppose by admitting that maybe the worst case stuff was maybe kooky, they get to feel all sceptical for a moment or two.

  6. Eric Simpson says:

    Sea-level rises ‘may not be as high as worst-case scenarios have predicted’
    There’s not going to be any detectable sea level rise. None et al. How many times do I have to say that?? Is there anyone listening to me?

  7. Geoff Brown says:

    97% of people quoting this figure are wrong -

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