Sinking Tide Gauges

The tide gauge at Kiptopeke Beach, Virginia shows sea level rising almost 100mm since 1993.

Data and Station Information for KIPTOPEKE BEACH

But satellite data there shows little or no change sea level since 1993.

The tide gauge data (blue below) has diverged from the satellite data (green below) at a rate of four millimetres per year since May, 1993

This indicates that the land under the tide gauge is sinking. Same problem all over the Gulf and East Coasts of the US.

New Jersey Governor Christie thinks he can stop the land from sinking by reducing CO2. He may be our next vice-president.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Sinking Tide Gauges

  1. Robertvdl says:

    “In figures, we can say that in the last 45 years in the Netherlands sea level did not rise , but fall.
    Yes, that’s cherry picking but it is nearer to the truth than the accelerated rise ( rise of 130 cm up to the year 2100) they continuously tell us.”
    Periode time (years) Average. (mm/year)
    1872 – 2010 138 1,30 rise
    1872 – 1949 77 1,43 rise
    1950 – 2010 60 1,06 rise
    1980 – 2010 30 0,88 rise
    1990 – 2010 20 -1,43 fall
    1998 – 2010 12 -2,67 fall

    All this while because of post-glacial subsidence the Netherlands literally sinks, while Scandinavia rebounds.So if the Netherlands sinks and sea level falls ?

  2. Lazarus says:

    How about showing both graphs on the same time scale and adding a trend line from 1992 to prove that tidal gagus have sunk?

    Otherwise you graphs and words prove nothing.

  3. Sundance says:

    Even if Chrustie walk into some quicksand he would likely claim the land is rising. Let’s face political fact he has more to gain from accepting subsidies than he does from accepting subsidence. 🙂

  4. Michael D Smith says:

    Not even any correlation. All noise, no signal.

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