Steffen : “Climate scientists take exceptional care to be absolutely straight”

The Daily Telegraph’s Miranda Devine on Wednesday said Prof Flannery was doing the federal government’s “dirty work of fear mongering”, while Anthony Sharwood suggested on the Punch website the environmentalist was making things up to grab the public’s attention.

Prof Steffen says that’s all rubbish.

“Climate scientists take exceptional care to be absolutely straight,” he told AAP in an interview on Wednesday.

We don’t use inflammatory language, we don’t overplay and we don’t underplay.”

No, we just try to scare people senseless, so that they will submit to massive new taxes.

January 4, 2008

IT MAY be time to stop describing south-eastern Australia as gripped by drought and instead accept the extreme dry as permanent, one of the nation’s most senior weather experts warned yesterday.

“Perhaps we should call it our new climate,” said the Bureau of Meteorology’s head of climate analysis, David Jones.

This drought may never break – Environment –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Steffen : “Climate scientists take exceptional care to be absolutely straight”

  1. DirkH says:

    Every time someone says “Let’s be honest,…” you know that a bald-faced lie follows.

  2. gator69 says:

    “We need to get some broad based support,
    to capture the public’s imagination…
    So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
    make simplified, dramatic statements
    and make little mention of any doubts…
    Each of us has to decide what the right balance
    is between being effective and being honest.”

    – Prof. Stephen Schneider,
    Stanford Professor of Climatology,
    lead author of many IPCC reports

  3. gator69 says:

    “The models are convenient fictions
    that provide something very useful.”

    – Dr David Frame,
    climate modeler, Oxford University

  4. gator69 says:

    “This planet is on course for a catastrophe.
    The existence of Life itself is at stake.”

    – Dr Tim Flannery,
    Principal Research Scientist

    • Eric Simpson says:

      “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” – H. L. Mencken
      “The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it.” -H. L. Mencken

  5. ozspeaksup says:

    flim flannery and steffen may yet end up doing what they do best..
    comedic routines in the non animal circus oz!
    clowns the pair of em!
    steffens one of the most convoluted speakers to never answer a direct question, directly.
    he could and should look to realestate/ banking/sales when his grants and our patience gives out.
    flim flam should go back to bones in deserts etc if his climate skills match his paleo he’d have had worth, then again, if the climate side is a real guide paleo just got set back a long way
    theyre really the big two of media releases and et , funny how so few:scientists” actually care to be real public about warmism.
    media release/sketchy info /msm rave n misquotes etc aplenty
    papers radio etc but not fame seekers like this two.

  6. suyts says:

    “It is no secret that a lot of climate-change research is subject to opinion, that climate models sometimes disagree even on the signs of the future changes (e.g. drier vs. wetter future climate). The problem is, only sensational exaggeration makes the kind of story that will get politicians’ — and readers’ — attention. So, yes, climate scientists might exaggerate, but in today’s world, this is the only way to assure any political action and thus more federal financing to reduce the scientific uncertainty.”—–Monika Kopacz, atmospheric scientist

    “I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis.”—-Al Gore, former U.S. vice president

    Prof Steffen is either delusional or he’s attempting to deceive. Of course they’re engaging in fear mongering. They told us they were. More quotes about them intentionally scaring and deceiving here…..

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Outstanding collection of quotes! And analysis! To think, I never doubted the wisdom of what you present.

  7. Don Gaddes says:

    Absolutely straight – like the fox, or the hockey-stick!

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