T3 : Rise Of The Machines

Terminator 3 – from 2003

“People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security, deserve neither and will lose both”

– Ben Franklin

Our world – in 2011

Groups Concerned Over Arming Of Domestic Drones « CBS DC

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to T3 : Rise Of The Machines

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    In this hotair post, get a sense of the overwhelming tide of conservative opinion in favor of -outlawing- these drones altogether: http://hotair.com/archives/2012/05/15/krauthammer-just-say-no-to-letting-the-police-use-drones/

    No pussyfooting around, otherwise the drones will just sneak through the cracks, en masse, and start buzzing around everywhere. My comment at hotair:
    In some ways I supported Paul’s call to reduce “the police state” or whatever. We probably need the Patriot Act, though, but DRONES everywhere above us is a step too far. Forget the justification, even if drones save lives and money, and all that. Problem, the cost of privacy is greater than even the “saves a few lives” benefit. I don’t think the people will stand for it.

    Today Jonathan Hunt to Sheppard Smith on Fox: “There could be as many as 30,000 of these drones flying above us… [talks about the benefits of the drones {yes, saves lives and $}] … but OBVIOUSLY the privacy concerns are HUGE, because they will in effect bring every single backyard into the authorities view. You’ve always had an expectation of privacy in your own backyard. You will no longer have that.”

  2. u.k.(us) says:

    Now, I’ve heard about 72 virgins, but who is kidding who.


  3. gator69 says:

    While I am a Ben Franklin fan, that quote is specious. We trade freedoms for security every minute of every day. When you lock your doors, wear a seat belt, pay insurance, etc…

    What is important is deciding just how much freedom one is willing to give up, and for what level of security. We must be mindful of who is causing the need for increased security, and why.

    • Andyj says:

      The new security does not need to work well nor pay its way. It’s simply a means to extract more money from you for their profit. The Chertoff irradiation scanners at airports are a fine example of pathetic performed on the apathetic.

      Playing with a drone in S. Korea has already resulted in a death and two severe injuries when N. Korea jammed the GPS/radio and the unskilled pilots landed the helicopter drone badly… Into themselves.

      These drones will need a squawk box to let other flying traffic know its there. Great schoolboy projects for hacking, directed microwave jamming using old microwave ovens and satellite dishes, homing missiles and directed lasers! Imagine those people who would normally go out to “I’m gonna bag me a hog” have a duck shoot with these instead.

  4. Andyj says:

    Be verbal for voting Ron Paul. He is the only one who will end the drone wars.

  5. PaddikJ says:

    Looks like drones “carrying lethal force” is more than a potential. The crazy, scary Russian, AKA FPS Russian, somehow got his hands on a prototype:


    (Sorry, I’m not sophisticated enough to embed the vid)

  6. PaddikJ says:

    Heh – I must be more sophisticated than I thought!

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