The Real Arctic Death Spiral

Over the past year we have witnessed a real death spiral in the Arctic – a loss of information. First we lost JAXA and Bremen. Now Cryosphere Today seems to be gone.

This is particularly disturbing because JAXA and Cryosphere Today were the only sites that had daily data readily available. Are we headed for an ice-information-free Arctic?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to The Real Arctic Death Spiral

  1. gator69 says:

    No news is good news! (Unless you are a publicly funded alarmist)

  2. Rick K says:

    The Global Change Observation Mission 1st-Water “SHIZUKU” mission is scheduled to launch 18 May.

    The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS (AMSR-E) that was onboard the Aqua satellite died last October. It’s where we got our “JAXA” data. Its successor, AMSR-2, is onboard Shizuku. It’s bigger; it’s newer… and with a new bottle of fresh lube no telling what it’ll do!

  3. Casper says:

    A good point, Steven. Although I don’t believe in conspiracy theory. The alarmist might alert the Arctic is melting without any evidence…

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