UN Puts Rwandan Genocide Chief In Charge Of Syrian Peace

Kofi Annan did nothing to stop the Rwandan massacre in 1994, and now is in charge of peace in Syria.

March, 2004

UN chief’s Rwanda genocide regret

Annan headed UN peacekeepers at the time of 1994 genocide
The United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has said he could and should have done more to stop the genocide in Rwanda 10 years ago.

At a memorial conference at the UN, Mr Annan said he realised he personally could have done more to rally support for international efforts to stop it.

“The international community is guilty of sins of omission,” Mr Annan said.

The genocide – in which some 800,000 people died – occurred when Mr Annan was head of UN peacekeeping forces

Rwandans have accused the peacekeepers who were there at the time of failing to protect them.

One survivor, Specios Kenya Bugoi, described how 4,000 Tutsis took shelter close to Belgian troops hoping to be safe.

Speaking through an interpreter she described how the troops left and the killings began.

“During that massacre I lost my husband, members of my family, all of my friends, neighbours,” she said.

“I slept among the cadavers for the whole night.”

In April 2000 the UN Security Council admitted responsibility for failing to stop the genocide.

BBC NEWS | Africa | UN chief’s Rwanda genocide regret

Having failed to do anything useful in Rwanda, the UN decided to let him do the same thing to Syria.

Former U.N. chief Kofi Annan was this year picked to lead a joint ceasefire mission with the Arab League to Syria and has been negotiating with the Syrian regime for several months.

Earlier, the EU’s Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton said “the continuing violence is appalling,” and that the EU will continue to support Annan “for as long as he wishes to continue” it. However, others were more concerned about the progress of the Annan mission.

Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders expressed frustration with the amount of time the Annan mission to Syria was taking and said it was time to reopen the debate about a humanitarian corridor into Syria with some military presence.

“We support the mission of Kofi Annan but it has begun to be very long now without any ceasefire. And so I’m sure that we need to do more and maybe we’ll go back to the humanitarian corridor,” he told reporters before a meeting of EU foreign ministers.

3rd UPDATE: EU Agrees New Syria Sanctions,Some Worry On Annan Mission – WSJ.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to UN Puts Rwandan Genocide Chief In Charge Of Syrian Peace

  1. cb says:

    Ah, Rwanda. And comrade dearest Kofi. I guess ‘debating the issues’ did what it normally does: further the policies of the hippies.

    This is related to it being against the personal interests of politicians (where the most sociopathic float to the top of the heap) to actually solve problems (thus removing the mandate for their authority-power).
    Ditto for the leftists in general: a world without poverty, war, plague and death… why, they would have nothing to ‘work at’. It would strip them of their mandate, and so their power and money.

    So let us place the blame for the present state of the world not on the hippies, who are natural born sociopaths and will continue to do evil until they are dead, but instead on the do-nothing-EXCEPT-talk pseudo-Christians whose single greatest crime is to not be the salt of the earth, i.e. using the bull-excrement excuse of not wanting to ‘offend, and thus cause them not to listen-and-be-saved’, have let and are letting tens of millions of people, very many of them children, live and die in misery.
    Note that I am not advocating violence: far from it. I am advocating the practical implementation of “mark them, and avoid them.” I.e. complete and perfect ejection from any and all thought, communication, and association. Because this would ALSO strip the hippies of their mandate – and at the same time place shackles on the politicians.

    And they then dare to accuse ME of being ‘unloving’: what kind of ‘love’ lets children be murdered for the sake of ALLOWING ‘debate’??? What kind of ‘love’ warmly embraces the vilest of people, refuses to ‘offend’ them, while then crying long tears as the victims die screaming??? Why, that would be CHRISTIAN love – a special brand of love that anyone sane would run away from as fast as their legs can carry them.

    Sigh. I’ve been making this point for a very long time now, with literally zero effect. I guess it really is time for me to stop. I think I’ve done as commanded: the blood spilled is no longer on my hands, and these ‘Christians’ are now without excuse. I guess if I were God, I would now let these worthless ‘Christians’ face the same hammer as did those who they let die, and with the same thing standing between them and that hammer: ‘debates’ that must change the hearts and minds of the hippies in charge…

  2. Pops says:

    Don’t panic! Bill Clinton is being hired as Kofi’s sidekick.

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    Kofi Annan, just one of thousands of sons of bitches of the UN with their ugly snouts firmly in the trough.
    There is no more a vile, despicable, immoral, fit for hell group than the sons of bitches of the UN.

    I would be eternally grateful and loyal to any world leader who tells the UN to go get f&%d and stops funding them.

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