Unprecedented Earth Warming Leads To Disturbingly Normal Sea Ice

In the Congressional race in Washington’s First District, candidate Laura Ruderman (D-Kirkland) has strong views on climate change and global warming.

“This starts with climate change. There is NO debate here. Every reputable scientist and organization in the world agrees that our planet is steadily and consistently warming. It’s warming faster and more dramatically than ever before – not in the history of human kind, but in the history of the planet itself.”

Climate Change and Global Warming – Tacoma Political Buzz | Examiner.com

ssmi1_ice_area.png (1667×1250)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Unprecedented Earth Warming Leads To Disturbingly Normal Sea Ice

  1. Andy DC says:

    For all the hype, there essentially has been no change in ice conditions for at least 20 years.

  2. suyts says:

    Yep! I just wrote one on how the total global ice extent hasn’t moved in ten years…… well, it has a barely perceptible decrease in the last 33….. http://suyts.wordpress.com/2012/05/19/the-devastating-effects-of-the-last-10-years-on-our-sea-ice/

    • Latitude says:

      every time they “improve” the way they read ice area/extent/volume….
      …means they can separate more ice from more water

      Which means they will consistently measure less ice each time…
      ….all in the name of improving their measurements

  3. Sundance says:

    I wonder how do her supporters accept such a blatently false statement. I have never heard any scientist claim anything more than recent warming being unprecedented in the MODERN record and even that claim can be disputed. How did such ignorance take root in Ms. Ruderman, especially by someone who is making warming an issue?

  4. Tourist in Chief says:

    She’s in the heart of Lib La La Land. Her supporters are eco-nuts as well.

    • sunsettommy says:

      She is in one of the most liberal area in the entire country.

      • papiertigre says:

        from the most liberal district, of a liberal county, in the most liberal state…
        These are the people who need to be attacked, hounded, confronted at every occasion.
        Zero accountability for her actions. No matter how outrageous her lies. Or if she is merely stupid.

        If we had an actual press instead of the American Politburo, that might help.

  5. sunsettommy says:

    “It’s warming faster and more dramatically than ever before – not in the history of human kind, but in the history of the planet itself.”


  6. Eric Simpson says:

    “It’s warming faster and more dramatically than ever before – not in the history of human kind, but in the history of the planet itself.” -Democratic candidate
    And the hockey stick proves this… not!

  7. tckev says:

    Its warming so fast two rowers from the U.K. have dropped their plan to try to row from St. John’s Newfoundland to England in time for the 2012 summer Olympic Games in London. They canceled the attempt because there’s too much ice.

  8. Shooter says:

    Uh, no. These people are idiots. The ice has melted before, and sometimes at intervals of 10 degrees. Also, they say “eveyr scientific community” but don’t mention one. Weasel words. Here in Canada, we hardly ever talk about Global Warming and there is a growing Skeptic movement here.

  9. BarryW says:

    Oh, I’ll say it just because somebody has to reiterate the party line, “but it’s all thin ice”. If the minimum is higher than last year then they’ll fall back to “it’s just weather”. Can’t they come up with a new line?

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