Voting Open For Global Warming Couple Of The Decade


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Voting Open For Global Warming Couple Of The Decade

  1. Billy in NZ says:

    I vote for the polar bear.He has a smile on his face.I wouldn’t want gillards hand near my bum

  2. Traitor in Chief says:

    So nice of you to remember Dessler’s Fiance’.

    She was modelling for a while, until this unfortunate shoot:

  3. Billy in NZ says:

    Nah,the polar bear has the biggest smile.He gets my vote

  4. Is that a chipmonk?

  5. DERise says:

    Newt & Nancy, always Newt & Nancy. It really show Newt’s god given ability to suck up to what ever group that has power, no matter how dispicable, and to follow the latest fad no matter what the cost to the country. Of course da One and Julia come in a close second . (What’s the difference between Julia Gillard and Ronald McDonald? One’s a red headed clown and the other sells fast food)

  6. I can’t believe nobody voted for the man + chipmonk. These beady little eyes have sold me. The chipmunk is cute too.

  7. Sundance says:

    If Dessler wins this might make a nice congratulatory gift. 😉

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