Waiting For Lewis Pugh’s Arrival

After Mark Serreze forecast an ice-free North Pole in 2008, Lewis Pugh hopped in his kayak and headed north. As far as I can tell he hasn’t made it there yet.

Twenty-four hours of sunlight is really hotting up the North Pole.

IABP PAWS Buoy 819920  latest weather data
05/05/0300Z  88.726°N   9.630°W  -15.4°C  1025.6mb  192°  2.0m/s 

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Waiting For Lewis Pugh’s Arrival

  1. miked1947 says:

    There you go “Cherry Picking” again.
    That buoy is not at the North Pole it is at 88.726 North 9.630W.
    You probably did you Photoshop thingy to make the water look like it is frozen. We all know that sea water in that region should be liquid at -15.4C. 😉

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