What You Need To Know To Be A Climate Expert

  • CO2 really messes up the climate
  • CO2 makes weather more extreme. It makes droughts wetter and floods drier.
  • CO2 loads the dice
  • Before the Koch Brothers invented CO2, the weather was always perfect
  • Republican CO2 is bad. CO2 is less harmful if you feel guilty about it.
  • In order to fix the climate, we need Republicans to stop thinking bad thoughts.
  • The climate demands monetary sacrifice
  • CO2 causes earthquakes
  • CO2 is more powerful than hundreds of thousands of nuclear weapons
  • The Arctic is nearly ice free
  • Polar Bears have already swum just about as far as they can swim before they drown.
  • Heartland is evil

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to What You Need To Know To Be A Climate Expert

  1. Marian says:

    You forgot to add.:

    CO2 causes Global Warming related depression and all forms of medical/health problems.
    CO2 causes Climate Change Shrinking of Animals. 🙂

  2. gofer says:

    Corporations are evil, especially those that deal in dirty things, like oil and gas.

  3. Marian says:

    A few more:

    CO2 Causes Global Warming Mass species extinction
    CO2 is a pollutant

  4. Paul in Sweden says:

    “What You Need To Know Believe To Be A Climate Expert”

  5. ralphcramdo says:

    CO2 causes volcanos to erupt.

  6. Marian says:

    And we musn’t forget this one.

    CO2 causes Global warming for more baseball home runs

  7. tckev says:

    CO2 causes penile disfunction!

    ….or is that just me and Mr Hansen?

  8. Sundance says:

    If you don’t believe that CO2 will cause the destruction of the planet then you deny the Holocaust.

  9. Jacques Voorhees says:

    The most dangerous side effect of co2 is that it makes otherwise normal and intelligent people turn into blubbering idiots and start talking about sea level rise and ocean acidification and polar bears drowning and the need to drive Priuses and eliminate plastic grocery bags. Once these symptoms appear, there is no known cure.

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