Daily Archives: June 2, 2012

NOAA Forecasts That They Will Name A Lot Of Storms This Year

Weather Street: 2012 Atlantic Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

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Millions Of Climate Refugees Headed To Alaska

I have seen the future and it’s dank, dark and dystopian — and it takes place in Alaska. At least in one Oklahoma author’s eyes, it does. Last year, as a newbie book producer, I commissioned novelist Jim Laughter in … Continue reading

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Scientific American Considers Making Telling The Truth Illegal

NC Considers Making Sea Level Rise Illegal By Scott Huler | May 30, 2012 |  74 There is virtually universal agreement among scientists that the sea will probably rise a good meter or more before the end of the century, wreaking havoc … Continue reading

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143 Degrees Warming In Siberia

On February 10, temperatures at Ojmjakon, Russia dipped down to a chilly -71F. Due to man made global warming, temperatures there have since risen by 143 degrees up to 72F. With another 143 degrees of warming, and they are going … Continue reading

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1935 : Russian Ship Sailed 500 Miles From The Pole In Ice-Free Water

“Remarkable Changes” “Our generation is living in a period when remarkable changes are taking place almost everywhere throughout the world,” writes Professor L. Berg, of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. “‘Certainly these widely distributed phenomena cannot be due to the action of the Gulf Stream, which, however, naturally … Continue reading

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Obama Making College More Affordable

A well placed ad on Huff Po

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1931 Flood Left 50 Million Homeless In China


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1939 Shock News : 20% Ice Loss In The Barents Sea – With No Romms or McKibbens Getting Hysterical

Permafrost melting, animals migrating north 25 Apr 1939 – WILL EARTH GET WARMER? Scientist Has New Theory

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Zimmerman Now Charged With Pay Pal

Never mind that the prosecutor intentionally withheld critical evidence, and trumped up unsustainable murder charges against Zimmerman. Zimmerman is going back to jail for having a Pay Pal account. A Florida judge on Friday revoked the bail for George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case, … Continue reading

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More Heat And Drought For The UK

01 June 2012  Spectators have been advised to bring their umbrellas and waterproofs as the Jubilee river pageant threatens to be a wash-out with heavy downpours and even thunder. Weather forecasters are predicting up to half an inch of rain … Continue reading

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