Daily Archives: June 5, 2012

Don’t Steal – The Government Hates Competition

Fraudsters turn to carbon credits, according to FSA Carbon credits have emerged as the latest asset class being targeted by fraudsters intent on fleecing vulnerable investors. Fraudsters turn to carbon credits, according to FSA – Telegraph Government spent years developing … Continue reading

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More Details On The Joe Romm Greenland Meltdown

Joe says that it is almost 80 degrees in Greenland, and that when the ice sheet melts down – sea level will rise by several metres. There is one official weather station on the ice sheet, and it has not gotten above … Continue reading

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Obama’s Third World Country Leads In CO2 Cuts

The beauty of recession. At the cost of only 9% unemployment, the US has reduced global temperature rise by 0.00001 degrees. Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006 Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 … Continue reading

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Greenland Using That New Kind Of Snow

Romm says it is almost 80 degrees in Greenland But they are using that new kind of snow, which doesn’t melt until it hits 100 degrees. Weather Webcams | Weather Underground Twenty eight degrees exaggeration is close enough for government work. History … Continue reading

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More Evidence That Carbon Taxes Work

Julia’s tax has shown immediate benefits to the climate, even before it is in place. Coldest May in 50 years h/t to Bill Pounder

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Global Warming Turned Bill McKibben Into A Newt

A hard-hitting campaign from a new group called Forecast the Facts persuaded many of the corporations backing Heartland to withdraw US $825,000 in funding; Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs That $825,000 is almost as much as the … Continue reading

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Top Scientists Prove That Ice Melts Faster When It Is Warmer

Our top scientists generated this graph, which shows that the area of summer melt in Greenland is faster than it was in 1981. Arctic Report Card – Greenland Ice Sheet – Box, et al. Of course, they didn’t bother to … Continue reading

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Proof That We Are Doomed

North and South Polar ice extent are both right at 12 million km² and both right at “normal” Hansen predicted massive ice loss at both poles, particularly in the Ross Sea – which has gained a substantial amount of ice … Continue reading

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Another Global Warming Icon Bites The Dust

In 2010, the press corps(e) went completely hysterical about an ice cube which broke off the Petermann Glacier in Greenland. August 13th, 2010 Greenland ice melts at record pace In what he calls ‘a manifestation of warming’, Dr Richard Bates … Continue reading

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