Daily Archives: June 9, 2012

1924 : Top Scientists – Earth Doomed

MOTHER EARTH DOOMED. WHAT WILL THE END BE? one of these catastrophes will surely happen and perhaps in your own lifetime? Professor Ernest Brennecke in a recent paper, tells us it is the firmest conviction of a group of serious scientists of established reputation, who … Continue reading

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Ninety Years Of Declining Temperatures In The Midwest

Government experts tell us that the warm spring in the midwest is proof of global warming. Besides the fact that they are talking about less than 1% of the planet, temperatures in the midwest have been declining for the past 90 years, with … Continue reading

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Government Scientists Add Half A Degree, Then Claim That Temperatures Are Above Average

Globally, NOAA reported in May that the average temperature in April was 1.17 degrees warmer than the average from the past century, making it the fifth-warmest April since at least 1880. It was the 326th consecutive month that global temperatures exceeded … Continue reading

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Joe Bastardi Responds To CNN Hysterics

This article http://edition.cnn.com/2012/06/08/us/record-warmth/index.html is pure rubbish  as the  disconnect  between temp and co2, (upper left)  the last  3 years  since pdo  flip (upper right) the  ocean/temp  correlation  (lower left)  and  solar/temp correlation show Like most of the deception with the … Continue reading

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March Of The Necrophiliacs

‘Sexual depravity’ of penguins that Antarctic scientist dared not reveal Landmark polar research about the Adelie penguin’s sex life by Captain Scott’s expedition, deemed too shocking for the public 100 years ago, is unearthed at the Natural History Museum It … Continue reading

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Coldest Day On Record In Canterbury, New Zealand

Train plowing through the snow in New Zealand this week Canterbury is finally thawing after a snowstorm which boasted the coldest day on record. Christchurch homeless battle bitter cold – Story – NZ News – 3 News

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CNN : We Are The World

Another Yellow Spotted Cherry Picker sighting : More record warmth as scientists warn of global tipping point It’s hot out there. But this time, it’s more than idle watercooler talk, according to weather scientists. At the same time the National … Continue reading

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Gore Effect Arrives In Brazil Ahead Of Rio+20

June, 08.06.2012 The dawn on Friday was not only exceptionally cold, but also historical. Records were established until a century, rewriting the climatology of the Rio Grande do Sul Towers with amazing -0.2 º C recorded in June to the lowest mark since … Continue reading

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Huffington Post – Sea Level To Rise 200 Feet

Climate alarmists are quite possibly the stupidest people who have ever occupied our planet. San Francisco Global Warming Tide gauges in Northern California show no change in sea level over the last 20 years. http://www.psmsl.org/data/obtaining/stations/1394.php Current temperature on the Antarctic ice sheet … Continue reading

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Forty Year Cycle Of Scientific Psychosis Discovered

The nutcases are at it again The World as We Know It Is About to End, Say Some Really Frightened Scientists A new study by 22 biologists and ecologists has found that environmental changes on our planet are reaching a … Continue reading

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