Daily Archives: June 10, 2012

Record Cold In Brazil

What most impressed on Saturday, however, was frost in the metropolitan area, in particular the city of Porto Alegre. It MetSul understanding of what was the longest episode of frost in the capital in decades. Even in the cold wave … Continue reading

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US Government vs. The People Of The US

Spotted owl could be game-changer in Tombstone water war At the center of the debate is the Mexican spotted owl. “What is more important, owls or the people of Tombstone?” James Upchurch, a Forest Service supervisor who oversees the wilderness, … Continue reading

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Jefferson Vs Webster : The First American Global Warming Debate

Thomas Jefferson was an ardent believer in global warming, until Noah Webster demonstrated that he was confusing UHI effects with climate. In his 1787 book, Notes on the State of Virginia, Jefferson launched into a discussion of the climate of both his home state … Continue reading

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Springtime Temperatures In Washington State Dropping 17 Degrees Per Century

Over the last 20 years, springtime temperatures in Washington State have fallen more than three degrees. WASHINGTON Climate Summary

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