Daily Archives: June 11, 2012

Skeptical Instructor Fired From Oregon State University

In case you were under the false impression that we had defeated the Evil Empire when the Berlin Wall came down. Hello Everyone, In theory at least Oregon State University (OSU) seems to be a bastion of academic freedom, diversity, … Continue reading

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Livermore Moves Reality Out Of The Physical World

New research by a team of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists and international collaborators shows that the observed ocean warming over the last 50 years is consistent with climate models only if the models include the impacts of observed increases … Continue reading

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How The GISS Temperature Adjustments Work

With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk. Attributed to John von Neumann by Enrico Fermi, as quoted by Freeman Dyson in “A meeting with Enrico Fermi” in Nature 427 … Continue reading

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Guardian Says That You Need Higher Energy Bills

Why climate change needs higher energy bills | Duncan Clark | Environment | guardian.co.uk Looks like Duncan Clark wins moron of the day. Every nation is agreed that we should limit temperature rise and that the long-term future should be … Continue reading

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Why Hansen Had To Corrupt The Temperature Record

The two graphs below show what temperatures used to look like in the US and Iceland, before they were tampered with at GISS. The 1930s was the hottest decade, and temperatures were declining. This disproved Hansen’s theories, so he had to get … Continue reading

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Uncorrupted US Temperature Data Showed Cooling From 1930 To 1999

The data was originally on the GISS web site at the URL below, but has since been deleted. I can’t imagine why. http://www.giss.nasa.gov/data/update/gistemp/graphs/FigD.txt www.john-daly.com/usatemps.006 So what about since 1999? Temperatures have also cooled in the 12 years since Hansen corrupted … Continue reading

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GISS Blocking Access To Archived Data And Hansen’s Writings

Michael Hammer has found the original uncorrupted GISS US temperature data on John Daly’s web site. Prior to GISS/USHCN perverting the data set in the year 2000, the 1930s was the hottest decade. Jennifer Marohasy » How the US Temperature … Continue reading

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Obama Plans To Stop Climate Change During His Second Term

Having halted economic growth and racial harmony during his first term, Obama plans to seize control of the climate in his second term. The President has said that the most important policy he could address in his second term is climate change, … Continue reading

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1925 : Record May Heatwave In The East

It was 94 degrees in Washington on May 24, 1925.  That was three degrees warmer than the warmest temperature recorded in Washington so far this year – which NOAA says was the hottest year ever. 25 May 1925 – RECORD … Continue reading

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Team Romm – Proving Again That They Are Morons

Rebecca is trying to get her audience hysterical about “climate change” and massive sea level rise, so she prints a graph which shows that sea level rise rates have been unchanging and slow over the past century – at two mm/year. Do … Continue reading

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