Daily Archives: June 12, 2012

David Appell : Mann Is An Excellent Scientist

Would you keep Mann or Jones as an employee? Based on what I know, or what anyone has proven that I’m aware of, yes, certainly. They are excellent scientists with long track records of high quality work. – David Appell June 12, … Continue reading

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Another Candidate For Clueless Journalist Of The Day

I thought David Appell had it sewn up when he declared that Nicholas Drapela deserved to be fired, and then admitted that he didn’t know why (or if) he was fired. But along comes Dennis Bromage with one of the stupidest Polar Bear stories … Continue reading

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Hot Days In Sharp Decline At Des Moines, Iowa

U.S. Historical Climatology Network During the 1930s, 100 degree days were very common in Des Moines. They very rarely happen any more. It has been nine years since Des Moines hit 100F. By contrast, 1934 had thirty-one days over 100 … Continue reading

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CRUTEM: March 1910 Nearly Identical To March 2012 In The US

Team climate moron claims that warm temperatures during March in the US were proof of global warming. According to CRU, March of 1910 was essentially identical to March, 2012 in the US – except that Alaska and the west coast … Continue reading

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David Appell – Lost, Confused And Double Standards

Appell says that Nicholas Drapela was not dismissed for being a skeptic, then explains that he was deservedly dismissed for being a skeptic – for making these comments. My dear colleague Professor Hansen, I believe, has finally gone off the deep … Continue reading

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GISS NetCDF Viewer

Check this out. GISS has published a NetCDF viewer which allows you to view files with a .nc extension. This is an essential tool for anyone interested in climate. http://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/panoply/ Here is CRUTEM coverage for January, 1850  –  a very … Continue reading

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Hansen – Steadily Mutilating The US Temperature Record

In 1999, Hansen showed that 1934 was 0.5C warmer than 1998 in the US. fig1x.gif (500×182) By 2006, Hansen had made them equal. web.archive.org/web/20060110100426/http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/Fig.D.txt Now, 1998 is warmer than 1934. Fig.D.gif (513×438) A Holocaust Denier is someone who rewrites the … Continue reading

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Cheating For Dollars At Climate Central

The 1970 cherry picking scam has become a centerpiece of the global warming fraud. The Heat is On: U.S. Temperature Trends | Climate Central The graph below plots Hansen’s 2006 temperatures for the five states which have warmed the fastest (in the … Continue reading

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Journalists Refuse To Discuss The Mammoth In The Room

According to Richard Black of the BBC, global warming is soon to be a $100 billion per year industry. This money pays for and drives the direction of the science. The press corps(e) drones on endlessly about tiny amounts of imagined big … Continue reading

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Bank Of America Fighting Global Warming

Right after Obama was elected, Bank Of America was given $45 billion as part of TARP – almost $1000 per taxpayer. Now they are investing $50 billion in global warming. Bank of America Corp. (BAC) said it will contribute $50 billion … Continue reading

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