Daily Archives: June 17, 2012

White Men – Destroying The Climate For Almost 200 Years

The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser  Wednesday 11 March 1846 11 Mar 1846 – ON THE CHANGE OF CLIMATE.  Ever since Captain Cook introduced the SUV to Australia, CO2 (produced by white men) has been ruining their climate.

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4,000 Forest Fires In North Central New Mexico Over The Last 800 Years

One particularly useful approach to uncover local ecological histories has been to use dendrochronological (tree-ring) methods to reconstruct patterns of fire occurrence and forest change over the last several hundred years, primarily in the Jemez Mountains but also in the Sangre de … Continue reading

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Today’s Fire Update

I took this picture an hour ago from the top of the ridge  behind the CSU football stadium. If you look closely, you can see a wisp of smoke. (Don’t worry – I rode my bicycle and didn’t contribute a … Continue reading

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Why A Super El Nino Is Very Unlikely

There is a lot of cold water circulating from Alaska down the west coast of Canada,  the US and Mexico. The cold water is mixing with equatorial waters and keeping the temperature down. Hansen and Appell are hoping for a very big … Continue reading

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Applying Michael Mann’s Junk Science To Sea Level

Michael Mann introduced a new concept of fraud to science, when he threw out the tree ring data after 1960. Briffa’s trees (green above) accurately showed the same post 1940 cooling as the 1975 report of the National Academy Of Sciences. … Continue reading

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June 1934 : Every Region Of The US Was Above 100 Degrees

docs.lib.noaa.gov/rescue/mwr/062/mwr-062-06-0212.pdf By contrast, nearly half of the US has been below normal temperatures so far in June 2012. MonthTDeptUS.png (688×531)  

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Dem Senator Says No One Disputes The Random Thoughts Running Through His Brain

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) declared on the Senate floor Thursday that the debate over whether humans are causing climate change is over, and that it has been shown conclusively that human activity is leading to global warming. “People say there … Continue reading

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Obama Announces That He Is The Biggest Liar In The Last 60 Years

Waving a planted press commentary, Obama recently claimed on the campaign stump, “federal spending since I took office has risen at the slowest pace of any President in almost 60 years.” President Obama: The Biggest Government Spender In World History … Continue reading

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Global Warming Scam Will Be Over By Christmas

I wish …………… GISS May is out. The 2012 average temperature anomaly (so far) is second coldest year of the millenium at 0.48C. Temperatures continue to plummet below Hansen’s zero emissions Scenario C. Scenario A is the one we should be comparing against, because … Continue reading

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CO2 : Drool CO2 : Drool

Pavlov’s Hogs Dem senator: Humans causing climate change, saying otherwise is ‘bogus’ – The Hill’s E2-Wire Millions of gigatons? About 160 gigatons of CO2 gets emitted into the atmosphere every year – of which humans are responsible for about 3%. … Continue reading

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