Daily Archives: June 21, 2012

Nobel Laureate Says That We Are Walking Dead

Inventor says that we would have already fried, except for the aerosols which we already cleaned up. Global warming worse than it appears: Nobel Prize laureate English.news.cn   2012-06-21 19:55:19 RIO DE JANEIRO, June 21 (Xinhua) — Carlo Rubbia, who shared … Continue reading

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Drastic Changes Needed To Curb Nutjobs Posing As Scientists

Drastic changes needed to curb N2O, most potent greenhouse gas Meat consumption in the developed world needs to be cut by 50 per cent per person by 2050 if we are to meet the most aggressive strategy, set out by … Continue reading

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May 1934 : 111 Degrees In Iowa

80 degrees of global warming in five days in 1934. Hansen would have declared this to be impossible without the emissions from your SUV. 1934: What would become one of the hottest summers on record in Iowa began to intensify … Continue reading

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The Boulder Global Warming Fraud Train Keeps Rolling On

Study: Global warming could bring penguins to brink of extinction If global temperatures continue to rise, however, the Emperor penguins inTerre Adélie, in East Antarctica may eventually disappear, according to a new study by led by researchers from the Woods … Continue reading

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John Cook Proves That The Global Warming Crisis Is Non-Existent

Cook goes full stupid and shoots himself in the foot. He argues that Hansen’s predictions failed because humans have greatly reduced their output of GHG’s other than CO2. He also argues that CO2 is a minor component relative to the other man-made … Continue reading

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Old Jedi Mind Trick

Gavin and Jim want you to believe that Scenario B is the right one, because Scenario B’s predictions didn’t suck quite as bad as Scenario A. But it is worse than it seems. The CO2 curve is an exponential curve. Joe Romm … Continue reading

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