Daily Archives: June 22, 2012

Credible Evidence Arises That University Standards Have Dropped To Zero

Credible evidence of climate change arises By Robert Oglesby and Donald Wuebbles Oglesby is a professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Wuebbles is the Harry E. Preble Endowed Professor in the Department … Continue reading

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If The Data Doesn’t Match The Theory, Change The Data

Einstein said that as a joke mocking junk scientists, but Hansen took him literally. In 1999, Hansen was troubled by the fact that millions of temperature records showed that the US wasn’t warming. So in the year 2000, he simply changed the … Continue reading

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Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200.

Suppose that a CEO was unhappy with a 70 year downward trend in his company’s revenues, so he told his accountants to develop a new accounting method which shows an increase. Then he erased the original raw data from the … Continue reading

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Summer Reaches Its Peak In Greenland

The sun has passed the zenith and is starting to recede towards winter. The Greenland Ice Sheet is now in full bloom at -8C. summit:status:webcam

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Only You Can Prevent Climate Stupidity

During the 1940s, clever humans came up with the idea that we can stop forest fires by putting a bear in trousers. Fire is a normal and essential part of the pine forest cycle. Without regular fires, the forest gets … Continue reading

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Thing Of The Past Headed To Australia

AUSTRALIAN ski resorts are bracing for a massive dump of snow this weekend, with up to 80cm predicted to fall over the next three days.  Resorts are gearing up to open more lifts this weekend, with the snow coming in … Continue reading

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Julia Hopes That Lying And Confiscating Money Will Make Voters Like Her

Having surrendered its electoral capital through punting a sitting prime minister, with all the complications that involved, the new leader leapt on the perverse idea of bringing in a new “tax” as her central reform and after expressly promising not … Continue reading

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All Three Alarmist Data Sources Show That The US Is Not Warming

NOAA said that the US is not warming. February 04, 1989 Last week, scientists from the United States Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that a study of temperature readings for the contiguous 48 states over the last century showed … Continue reading

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How To Identify Alarmist Literature

Every other sentence has something along the lines of “that was debunked here” or “that was discredited here” and then the usual smattering of words like hapless, incoherent, etc…. But what you won’t see is any discussion of the actual … Continue reading

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Why Adding More CO2 Makes Very Little Difference

Most of the greenhouse effect of CO2 occurs from the first 30 ppm. The RRTM data above shows that going from 393 ppm to 560 ppm will increase the greenhouse effect by less than 0.25% in the tropics. This data … Continue reading

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