Daily Archives: June 29, 2012

Alarmists Raise Possibility That 1930s Temperature Records Will Be Further Mangled

Twitter / billmckibben: Heat records raise possibi People making comparisons to the heatwave of 1936 have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. From June 14 to September 13 1936, high temperatures in Oklahoma City averaged  104 degrees. Seventy-two … Continue reading

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Man Made Disaster In Colorado

2002 was the year of the actual largest fire in recent Colorado history. By May 18th of that year, the fire season was in full swing and testimony at a Senate Committee warned that lots of people were building new homes in … Continue reading

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Guardian Vs. CSM

The Guardian gets stupid (as always) while CSM actually tries to make a comeback. Scorching heat, high winds and bone-dry conditions are fueling catastrophic wildfires in the US west that offer a preview of the kind of disasters that human-caused climate change could bring, … Continue reading

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PBS : High Park Fire To Burn For Months

TOM BEARDEN: Rideout says the High Park fire is something of a perfect storm, a very dry winter, high winds fanning the flames, and a great deal of fuel to burn. Add the very difficult terrain, and experts say this … Continue reading

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Saving The Taxpayers $800,000

Temperatures in Boulder have not increased for 60 years, yet the University of Colorado has obtained $800,000 to study how global warming has affected the local rodents. Perhaps the fat furry rats are teleconnected to Yamal? The massive grant — … Continue reading

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Dead Pika Alert

Our friends have been telling us that Pikas die after 20 minutes of 60 degree temperatures. The hockey team and Peter Gleick are very honorable people, so we can safely assume that all Pikas in Colorado are now dead. RIP … Continue reading

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Shape Shifting The Climate Crisis

Europe 2003 – Moscow – Texas – Colorado … the cherry pickers are at it again. June 29, 2012 As the American West’s fire season races off to a ferocious start, researchers suggest that the increasingly hotter, drier region is … Continue reading

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Polar Bears Can’t Find Any Ice

With eight or nine weeks left in the melting season, the bear body count is piling up. N_daily_extent.png (420×500)

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