Daily Archives: June 30, 2012

Hiding The Decline In Kansas City

USHCN thermometers show that temperatures in Kansas City have been in sharp decline since the 1930s, with 1921 being by far the hottest year. NOAA has diligently fixed this  inconvenient city (and most of the rest of the US) by massively tampering … Continue reading

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Hottest Week Of The Year In Greenland

Greenland has reached its traditional summer peak, and is topping out at a blistering -10C in the center of the ice sheet. Look for massive sea level rise, drowning California in the next twenty years – with dead Pikas littering … Continue reading

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EPA Starting The Spanish Inquisition

The office of environmental justice. You can now be prosecuted for emitting EPA pollutant CO2 in a minority neighborhood. Gun running to Mexico pays time and a half. h/t to Marc Morano Job Title: Director, Office of Environmental Justice Agency:Environmental Protection Agency Job Announcement … Continue reading

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Feynman Saw The Hockey Team Coming

Feynman would have been completely disgusted by Mike’s Nature Trick and Hansen’s data tampering. He was an expert at uncovering fraud and misbehavior at NASA. There is one feature I notice that is generally missing in “cargo cult science.” It’s a … Continue reading

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Bering Sea Ice Area Was 150% Of Normal This Past Winter

‘Red area (5296 pixels) is the anomaly, green area (10,362 pixels) is normal. It was the iciest winter in Alaska history. University of Illinois – Cryosphere Today

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1836 : New York Destroyed By A Ferocious Fire

28 May 1836 – English Extracts. DESTRUCTION OF A LARGE PORTION… h/t to Ivan

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1850 : San Francisco Destroyed By A Ferocious Fire


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CRU – Illinois/Wisconsin Temperatures Barely Rising

CRU shows temperatures in Illinois barely rising, at about 0.007 degrees per year since 1850. But it is worse than it seems. Essentially all of the rise occurred before 1930. Until about 10 years ago, NOAA , GISS and CRU all agreed … Continue reading

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US Sea Level Rise : Less Than Half Of The Global Average

According to University Of Colorado satellite data, sea level around the lower 48 has been rising at 1.4mm/year since 1992, which is less than half of their published global average. But it is worse than it seems – Since the … Continue reading

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Question Of The Day : “Are Mexican Drug Traffickers Armed with US Guns?”

Answer : Yes, the White House has been giving guns to Mexican drug traffickers, and they are using the guns to kill US citizens. If a Republican president did this, he would face immediate impeachment. Not to mention the stonewalling and contempt … Continue reading

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