Antarctica – Feels Like Minus 110 Degrees

What are these penguins doing, and why do they keep changing positions?

Weather Forecast Vostok, Antarctica | Vostok Weather | Wunderground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Antarctica – Feels Like Minus 110 Degrees

  1. omnologos says:

    Those perverts! Always changing position!!!

  2. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Huddling amongst each other for warmth—a way of life that more & more appears like it may be in the human species’ not too distant future, not sweltering in the heat…

    That ol’ climate just keeps on changin’…round and round and round and…But oh, wait! THIS time WE’RE HERE to MEASURE & RECORD it!!! That’s gotta mean WE’RE the cause of it! All those countless cycles of climate change in the past— they were all just a fluke….

  3. TinyCO2 says:

    And at this time of year it’s just the guys, left alone to mind the babies in the dark. In the spring, just as the babies get interesting the Mums return and tell the Dads to push off.

  4. Marian says:

    It’s proof of Global Weirding. 🙂

    Penguins huddling together in the Antarctic. Large herds of Wildebeest together on the plains of Africa. Walrus’s packed in like sardines on a rock in the Arctic.

  5. Bruce says:

    What are these penguins doing, and why do they keep changing positions?

    They are being Australia, although they’ve forgotten to do Tasmania. We do too, sometimes.

    Soon we will get an election, and will change our positions again…bye bye, Julia, enjoy your vastly deserved forcible retirement!

    • Baa Humbug says:

      Huh, I thought the same thing. They’ve drawn a very accurate map of Australia, looking east from the west coast.

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