Archive Any Interesting Data

One of the things we have learned about GISS is that they overwrite data in place. For example, there have been several radically different versions of the Reykjavik temperature data already this year. They have blocked access to data archiving engines like web archive, so you can’t find old GISS data there either.

On January 18, 2011 someone at GISS apparently tried to destroy this graph, which showed that Hansen used to believe that the 1930s was the hottest decade.

fig1x.gif (500×182)

The corrupted version of the graph looked like this

It is very unlikely this happened by accident, but because I had archived an older version, I was able to report on the change. The original file was restored a few days later. The source data behind this graph has been deleted from the GISS file system.

Destroying Evidence At The Ministry Of Truth? | Real Science

If interested parties continuously archive as much GISS data as possible, we can track their endless alteration of the climate record. Too bad we can’t get back the disappeared data from the 1990s.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Archive Any Interesting Data

  1. gator69 says:

    This is nothing less than a book burning. The loss of data is unforgivable, and as it was deliberate, should rightly be punishable.

  2. Eric Barnes says:

    I’m pretty sure EM Smith has a copy of old V1 data. He’s at …

  3. Andy DC says:

    The next thing they are going to do is destroy old weather records. Like the one that showed that the average temperature for 113 stations in Iowa on July 14, 1936 was 108.7.

  4. Harold Ambler says:

    The old Reykjavik is in my book (“Don’t Sell Your Coat”). It is my fond hope that GISS comes after me for it at some point.

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