Coldest Day On Record In Canterbury, New Zealand

Train plowing through the snow in New Zealand this week

Canterbury is finally thawing after a snowstorm which boasted the coldest day on record.

Christchurch homeless battle bitter cold – Story – NZ News – 3 News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Coldest Day On Record In Canterbury, New Zealand

  1. Lazlo says:

    Down here in Tasmania it is really cold. It’s the same across SE Oz. Heaps of snow on the Oz Alps for the traditional opening of the ski season..

  2. Andy DC says:

    Time to trot out the “Global Weirding” nonsense.

  3. Geoff says:

    Yes, Virginia. There is a global warming, Traditionally it has been called S-U-M-M-E-R !!!!! DUh…

  4. Brother Elric says:

    Its winter down there. It always is when it is summer in the north. That’s what you get with a tilted planetary axis.

  5. renbe says:

    The weather all around the world has gone crazy, call it global warming, call it climate change, call it natural occurances, call it a hoax, but the facts are there.

  6. CJohnson says:

    The big earthquake in 2010 shifted the Earth off it’s axis 3-10 degrees toward the south. If my theory is right then most northern hemisphere countries should be hotter and most southern hemisphere countries should be colder since 2010. Do the research yourself! Is there anything we can do…NO! Just be prepared!!!!

    • That is one of the more bizarre comments I have seen today.

      • CJohnson says:

        If we had global warming then the whole Earth would be warmer, it’s not! Below is data to support the fact the Earth has shifted off its axis as previously mentioned above, please verify for yourself:
        Ukraine, 1 August, 41.3C (106.3F), Lukhansk, Voznesensk
        Cyprus, 1 August, 46.6C (115.9F), Lefconica
        Finland, 29 July, 37.2C (99F), Joensuu
        Qatar, 14 July, 50.4C (122.7F), Doha airport
        Russia, 11 July, 44.0C (111.2F), Yashkul
        Sudan, 25 June, 49.6C (121.3F), Dongola
        Niger, 22 June, 47.1C (116.8F), Bilma
        Saudi Arabia, 22 June, 52.0C (125.6F), Jeddah
        Chad, 22 June, 47.6C (117.7F), Faya
        Kuwait, 15 June, 52.6C (126.7F), Abdaly
        Iraq, 14 June, 52.0C (125.6F), Basra
        Pakistan, 26 May, 53.5C (128.3F), Mohenjo-daro
        Burma, 12 May, 47C (116.6F), Myinmu
        Ascension Island, 25 March, 34.9C (94.8F), Georgetown
        Solomon Islands, 1 February, 36.1C (97F), Lata Nendo
        Colombia, 24 January, 42.3C (108F), Puerto Salgar

        HEAT WAVE: Record temperatures seen as heat wave plagues 23 states
        July 11, 2011|By Jacqui Jeras, CNN
        A heat wave is building and could reach dangerous levels in parts of the Midwest, the Plains and the Southeast this week.
        Twenty-three states were under heat advisories Monday, according to the National Weather Service.
        Kansas City, Missouri, and St. Louis are under an excessive heat warning, along with Tulsa, Oklahoma; Memphis, Tennessee; and Evansville, Indiana. In these areas, the heat index, or how hot the body feels due to the combined effects of heat and humidity, will reach between 110 and 115 degrees this week.

        Record high temperatures in the US
        13th June 2012
        The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), reports that the average temperature for the contiguous USA in May was 17.9°C (64.3°F). This is 1.8°C (3.3°F) above the long-term average, making it the second-warmest May on record.

        Coldest Day On Record In Canterbury, New Zealand
        Posted on June 9, 2012

        Australia in June 2012
        Averaged over Australia, maximum temperatures were somewhat below average for June, with a national anomaly of ?0.27 °C. The NT and Queensland recorded the coolest June maximum anomalies, with ?0.85 °C and ?0.81 °C, respectively. For Australia as a whole, June minimum temperatures well below average; at 0.94 °C below average it was the 12th-coolest year on record. Queensland and SA recorded minima 0.91 °C and 0.88 °C below average, respectively. For the NT it was the second-coolest June on record, with an anomaly of ?2.31 °C. Tasmania was the only State to record a positive minimum temperature anomaly, with +0.37 °C.

        Record cold summer in Sydney
        By Robert On February 16, 2012
        Not just the day, not just the month, but the entire summer.
        “Western Sydney is experiencing its coldest summer on record thanks to cloud and rain associated with the La Nina weather cycle,” says this article in the Daily Telegraph.
        “Sydney was only able to record an average 24.6C, putting it on track for the coldest summer since 1953.”
        As if that’s not bad enough, the forecast for Sydney calls for possible strong winds, hail and flooding this weekend.
        Thanks to Byron Dawes for this link

        Cold snap sets new record low temperatures
        Updated January 12, 2012 09:59:06
        extreme cold front has broken a series of low temperature records for Canberra, Goulburn and the Snowy Mountains.
        The southern tablelands and Victoria’s Alpine region have also been hit by the summer chill.
        A rapidly moving cold front from Antarctica moved though Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales and the ACT yesterday.
        The icy and changeable weather delivered a low of -4 degrees Celsius and a dusting of snow to the Snowy Mountains.

  7. ozspeaksup says:

    C Johnson…yeah its cold..its winter! and the circulation patterns circumpolar have changed a bit.
    so what.? I remember having chilblains as a child in the 50s/60s due to amazingly cold icy mornings walking to school,, people havent experienced that sort of cold for decades, doesnt mean it wont happen again.. rather be a bit wamer thanks:-)

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