Entering The Dark Ages Of Science

Scientists who claim that huge sea level rises will occur in some places – but not others – are simply flaming morons. Water is a fluid. If the WAIS “collapses” and raises sea level by two metres, then sea level will rise by two metres everywhere.

The reason we see discrepancies in sea level data now are because the numbers we are working with are small. One place may have 3 mm of rise while another place may have 3 mm of fall, due to thermal expansion, wind, instrument error, subsidence, etc.

If we saw an actual sea level rise of thousands of millimetres, it would be nearly uniform across the planet. Try making the water at one end of your swimming pool stay higher than at the other end.

People are getting PhD’s in science from universities, while lacking science skills needed to graduate high school.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Entering The Dark Ages Of Science

  1. Earlier today my feet were at the same height. Right now my right foot is ~15cm higher than my left foot. If I climb Mt. Washington (some 1700m above the porch here), it seems obvious to me that the descrepancy can only grow, so my right foot will probably be hundreds of meters above my left foot. It doesn’t make sense that you can’t manage such simple math. Our resident Physicist David Appell could manage it.

  2. Shooter says:

    Blame grade inflation. Universities are corrupt and just want money.

  3. Andy DC says:

    As long as you support the agenda, you can be as big a moron as you want to be. You can even spend your whole career counting angels on a pinhead with respect imaginary sea level rise, loss of sea ice or whatever. As long as your chart shows that “it is worse than we thought”.

  4. Robertvdl says:

    Try making the water at one end of your swimming pool stay higher than at the other end.


  5. papiertigre says:

    Another aspect of sea level rise, which is important in the case of California , Hawaii, Alaska, the Olympic Peninsula, ect. , mountain ranges close to the shoreline, because of their higher mass, warp the local gravity field, causing the water to pile up around their base.

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