Faster Than The Speed Of Motionless

@oakden_wolf: @ClimateDepot It ain’t the absolute temperatures, it’s the speed of change that’s the most dangerous,moron.

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I wonder if Oakden always signs his tweets with “moron” ?

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Faster Than The Speed Of Motionless

  1. Kaboom says:

    That explains why nightfall kills so many people in the tropics.

  2. miked1947 says:

    That is hilarious!
    Speed of change! We are still waiting to re experience the speed of change that has been found in historic records, that for some strange reason did not accomplish what Moron claimed would happen.
    I used to transition from 70F to a vehicle at 150F in only a matter of minutes when walking from a business to my company truck during the Summer.

  3. Oakden Wolf says:

    I’m not impressed with your illiterate attempts at humor, Goddard. Neither am I impressed with your cherrypicked plot. I prefer to look at climate the RIGHT way — over a sufficient period of time to distinguish trend from variability. Such as this:

    Had I intended to sign my name, I would have done it the proper way, even in a tweet.

    Oakden Wolf

  4. Oakden Wolf says:

    My effort to embed an image didn’t work. Here’s the link.

    Post that.

  5. Oakden Wolf says:

    The 1930s and early 1940s were warm. You know that. Thus I don’t have any idea what your comment is trying to imply,

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