Government Math : 88 x 1 = 900

The report says that sea-level rise from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina to Boston, Massachusetts (a 600-mile expanse of coastal zone called the “hotspot” by scientists) has grown 2-3.7 millimeters per year since 1990. For comparison, scientists say that the global growth rate over the same time frame was 0.6 -1.0 millimeter per year.

The report warns that if global temperatures continue to increase, rates of sea level rise along the East Coast are likely to continue growing. Scientists say this prediction is based on data and analyses that are detailed in the report.

Good thinking. Anomalous local effects are caused by global warming.

Scientists say that global sea level will not increase at the same rate at every location, even though calculations show that it is likely to rise approximately two-to-three feet or more by the end of the 21st century. Sea level rise can vary both regionally and locally due to deviations in land movements, strength of ocean currents, water temperatures and other factors.

Study: Global warming could destroy the East Coast | The Bunsen Burner

Eighty eight years left in the century, and a global growth rate of 0.6 to 1.0 mm per year. According to the government, that works out to two or three feet (600 to 900 mm.)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Government Math : 88 x 1 = 900

  1. Tomwys says:

    They are now using power curves to predict a 5 foot rise in the next 77 years. Of course tangents to those curves show no real rise at present, and the mantra thus is: “See? The predictive accuracy is there!”

    Only the truly dim of wit buy into this stuff, yet the halls of our Congress teem with bulbs of that ilk.

  2. Sundance says:

    Sounds like the USGS has put alot of hydrocephalic thought into this report. 🙂

  3. GeologyJim says:

    Not a problem that the instantaneous “sea level” (relative to the geoid) differs from place to place, because the sea is affected by temperature, tides, and probably currents.

    But to claim that the RATE of change differs around the globe is quite ludicrous (so long as truly local effects of subsidence, etc. are accounted for)

    Sea water would have to possess the viscosity of granite for local anomalies not to smooth out over very short timespans

    I used to be proud of most results published by “my” agency, but times have changed for the worse due to modelers.

  4. Shooter says:

    If sea level rises, it would rise all over the world. It doesn’t make sense that it rises on just one coast. If it were a lake, I would understand…but a coast? Junk science.

    I love their headline: “Global Warming could destroy the East Coast” – Destroy? Oh, my! Quick, to the lifeboats! And…there’s no mention of destruction whatsoever! Gotta have a ridiculous headline to scare people. Also note the word “could”, “if”, “maybe” and “if global warming continues” – as we have seen, those are weasel words meant to make a logical argument, but are, in fact, illogical.

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