Hot Junes Are A Thing Of The Past In South Dakota

SOUTH DAKOTA Climate Summary

Twenty two of South Dakota’s twenty-five hottest Junes, occurred with CO2 below 350 ppm.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Hot Junes Are A Thing Of The Past In South Dakota

  1. Andy DC says:

    This June has been fairly hot in SD with temps averaging 4-7 F degrees above normal. Nice cool down over the next day or so.

    Pretty intense heat wave for the Northeast Wednesday and Thursday where temps could threaten 100 degrees. It will be a short lived event with temps returning to normal by the weekend.

    Some of the models are suggesting a spell of unseasonably cool weather over the eastern half of the US next week. That would be good news.

    • gofer says:

      It’s a mild -99F at Vostok, Antarctica, so that would make a difference of 199 degrees. No doubt which place people would choose to live.

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