Inside The Alarmist Mind

I wrote an article showing that GISS data has been tampered with to show warming, and some capslock challenged reader writes back screaming at me that the (altered) data shows warming.

That was the whole point of the article, and it flew right over his head.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Inside The Alarmist Mind

  1. Shooter says:

    Wow. What a conspiracy theorist. So kind of him to mention that 75 scientists agree that the earth is warming…clearly he should go talk to some Russian scientists. They trash the theory.

  2. Brian says:

    It seems to me that Hansen HAS TO BE RIGHT on this. If he isn’t, what’s his work the last 30 years worth? His career turns to total shit.

    People talk about the influence of money… But there is no doubt in my mind that Hansen would hate to see his career turn to total junk.

    • Andy DC says:

      Hansen is part of a huge AGENDA that is backed by overwhelming MONEY. He also receives love and adoration from left wing academic circles and the media. His career does make perfect sense, as he has greatly increased his fame and fortune by spewing lies in behalf of this cause.

  3. dmmcmah says:

    What is all this crap with the Koch brothers the left keeps trotting out? And they say that right wingers are paranoid. The Koch brothers are behind everything!

  4. omnologos says:

    New York times archives

    “hot weather” (in quotes)

    1998: 54 results
    1934: 167 results

    I wonder why.

  5. tckev says:

    For people with a leaning to religious motivations, it’s can be powerful psychological filter of facts.

  6. Russell C says:

    ” … The other 1% work for Big Oil ans say what they are PAID to say …”

    As I have written in 40+ online articles and blogs about that very accusation…… two words: Prove it. Fail to do so, and potentially the entire idea of AGW blows up.

    “Global Warming’s Killer: Critical Thinking”

  7. Billy Liar says:

    John Dees – here’s a tip; if you can’t spell, it really does not do your credibility much good if you put your spelling errors in CAPS – it’s – DEFINITELY – a bad idea.

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