Life In The USSR

Obama’s literary agent (who promoted his biography and made him very rich) told everyone from 1991 to April 2007 that Obama was born in Kenya.

The press chose to ignore this story until Don Trump got involved, and has now determined that the past actions of Obama’s agent are the result of modern conspiracy theorists.

Apparently no one in the press has thought to ask Goderich where she got the information from, and why Obama never corrected it over 16 years. This is the same press corps(e) who hunted down Zimmerman for weeks, manufactured fake transcripts of his 911 call, and reported that he had no wounds on his head.

I used to read about the incredible lies coming from Pravda, but they had nothing on the modern United States Socialist Republic.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Life In The USSR

  1. Sundance says:

    Some British lads wrote a song about it called ‘Chinese Whispers’ and the “black and white lies” in papers meant to “twist the truth, and shape the future”.

  2. DirkH says:

    Breitbart died 4 or 5 hours after calling Sheriff Arpaio (who had the press conf about the birth certificate the same day)
    Breitbart wanted to release a video with Obama and Ayers and Bernardine Terroristgirl

  3. Two landmark papers [1,2] published in 1946 successfully managed to “twist the truth, and shape the future” of science into a pack of lies for the next sixty-six years (2012-1946 = 66 yrs) !

    The rest of this sad tale of abuse of science as a tool of government propaganda that enslaved the public is here:

  4. Robertvdl says:

    He who shouts ‘9 11 was an inside job’ is a conspiracy theorists but you can still make a 911 call. Why do they want us to remember these numbers?

  5. Hi Steve,

    Information from two great scientists who were on opposing sides during the Second World War – Sir Fred Hoyle (United Kingdom astronomer/astrophysicist) and Professor Paul Kazuo Kuroda (Japanese/American nuclear geo-, cosmo-chemist) – helped expose the deceit in 1946 and the impending danger of a fascist Orwellian society promoted by distorted government science:

    And with information gathered

    Those conclusions are consistent with

    a.) Conditions described in George Orewell’s novel, “1984”

    b.) Personal observations made in 1980 when I presented the following plenary lecture in Moscow and spent time touring the country to see the USSR for myself

    O. K. Manuel, “Heterogeneity of isotopic and elemental compositions in meteorites: Evidence for local synthesis of the elements, ” Geokhimiya (12) 1776-1801 (1981) [In Russian]

    I do not have a link to that paper, but much of the information was published earlier in Nature: “Isotopes of tellurium, xenon and krypton in the Allende meteorite retain record of nucleosynthesis”, Nature 277, 615-620 (1979); doi:10.1038/277615a0

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